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  • Neonatal Circumcision

    Neonatal circumcision is a surgical procedure performed on infants with penises for medical, religious, cultural, and personal reasons. There are a number of potential health benefits associated with circumcision, including prevention of urinary tract infections in newborn males, reduced risk of penile cancers caused by human papilloma virus, and reduced risk of other sexually transmitted infections. Circumcision may also reduce the risk of phimosis.

    Neonatal circumcision is safest when performed during the newborn period and the overall risk of procedural and cosmetic complications is low. Neonates who undergo circumcision should be provided analgesia, most commonly in the form of a nerve block.

    Because neonatal circumcision is a procedure which permanently alters a person’s genitals, every effort should be made to ensure the standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate consent and care are followed. Families should be expressly informed about the benefits and risks associated with neonatal circumcision. Access to circumcision as a covered medical service should be available to families who choose it. (2013 COD) (October 2023 COD)