Am Fam Physician. 2008;77(7):891
American Family Physician, like most highly respected journals, is peer reviewed to ensure the accuracy and suitability of manuscripts for publication. Authors are encouraged to meet the established standards of the publication to which they submit a manuscript; however, it would be unusual for an individual author to be able to identify every flaw in a manuscript. Peer reviewers can help spot weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.
Reviewers are asked to provide detailed comments about the text, as well as comment on the paper's authoritativeness and its documentation of a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to the subject. After completing a checklist rating various aspects of the manuscript, they are asked: Are there any new developments, references, or tables/figures that should be added? Is any important information lacking? Is the presentation adequately balanced? Is there any apparent conflict of interest or inappropriate bias? To encourage candid feedback and objectivity, the peer review process typically is anonymous. Reviewers' comments and suggestions are relayed to the authors, which ultimately leads to a better article—a benefit to the author and, ultimately, the publication.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in AFP are sent to several peer reviewers, including at least two family physicians. In addition, manuscripts are reviewed by at least two specialists in other disciplines, or family physicians who have expertise in the subject matter of the article. Reviewers methodically evaluate the manuscript, which often requires hours of research and effort.
The AFP peer reviewers volunteer their time to help us ensure the quality of AFP content. Because of the substantial amount of time a review may require, AFP reviewers who are members of the AAFP may receive Prescribed continuing medical education credit for each review. If you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for AFP, please e-mail a note of interest to afpjournal@georgetown.edu.
We thank the reviewers listed below, each of whom reviewed at least one manuscript during 2007.
2007 Reviewers | ||
Allan Abbott, MD Alykhan S. Abdulla, MD Tom Abelson, MD Albert Aboulafia, MD Neil Abramson, MD Kabir Abubakar, MD Suraj Achar, MD Ron Acierno, PhD Alexandra K. Adams, MD, PhD David R. Adams, MD Steven C. Adamson, MD Alan M. Adelman, MD, MS Damian P. Alagia, III, MD Ross Albert, MD, PhD Tracy Aldridge, MD Carolyn Alexander, MD Shilpa H. Amin, MD Vijay Anand, MD Eric L. Anderson, MD Victoria Anderson, RD Jack Anon, MD James Arbogast, MD Sanjay Arora, MD Steven K. Aung, MD Allan Ayella, PhD John G. Baker, PhD David Bamberger, MD J. Burton Banks, MD Philip Barnett, MD Stephen L. Barrett, DPM Victoria Barrio, MD Brent A. Bauer, MD Dennis J. Baumgardner, MD Bryan Bayles, PhD Oralia V. Bazaldua, PharmD Rajesh Behl, MD Mark H. Belfer, DO Timothy Benton, MD George R. Bergus, MD Frances Biagioli, MD Jacob L. Bidwell, MD Reid B. Blackwelder, MD Barbara Blair, MD Yvette Bordelon, MD Mary Boyce, MD Patrick Brady, MD Richard D. Brasington, MD Glenn Braunstein, MD Lawrence H. Brent, MD Robert T. Brodell, MD Kelton Burbank, MD Lucinda M. Buys, PharmD Tim Byers, MD Walter L. Calmbach, MD David C. Campbell, MD, MEd Dennis A. Cardone, MD Peter J. Carek, MD,MS Sarah L. Cartwright, MD John Cassels, MD Sara Cate, MD, MPH G. Anne Cather, MD Kenneth O. Cayce, IV, MD Marc Cendron, MD Judith Chamberlain, MD Catherine Champagne, PhD Richard Chan, MD Deardre Chao, MD Arjun Chatterjee, MD Ru-fong Cheng, MD Carol E. Chenoweth, MD Cheryl Chessick, MD Cynthia Chiu, MD Samer R. Choksi, MD Sandro Cinti, MD Terry Clark, MD Joseph Connors, MD Erik Cornel, MD William Cotts, MD Timothy J. Craig, DO DeAnn Cummings, MD Robert J. Dachs, MD Moira Davenport, MD Patrick Davol, MD Liya Davydov, PharmD Peter Dawson, MD Richard Dean, PhD Darwin D. Deen, Jr., MD, MS Bethany DeVito, MD Frederick R. Dietz, MD Scott Dinehart, MD Alan B. Douglass, MD Patrick T. Dowling, MD, MPH Tony Dritschilo, MD Marguerite Duane, MD Paul Dunn, RN, MSN Mahmoud El-Tamer, MD James Espinosa, MD David Estores, MD Ronald J. Falk, MD Khaled Fareed, MD Ronnie Fass, MD Joseph Favazzo, DPM Edward R. Feller, MD Barbara Felt, MD Daron G. Ferris, MD Laura Ferris, MD Davide Festi, MD Jonathan Fischer, MD Melanie A. Fisher, MD David Flinders, MD Josephine Fowler, MD, MSc Lewis E. Foxhall, MD Frank J. Frassica, MD Gregory Fulchiero, MD Andrew Gage, MD Eric P. Gall, MD John Garcia, MD Paula Gardiner, MD Ivan Garza, MD David Gaspar, MD Peter Gerbino, MD | Paulette Gillig, MD Norman Ginsberg, MD Ondria C. Gleason, MD Mark S. Gold, MD Todd Goldberg, MD Marjorie Golden, MD Christopher Gonzalez, MD Howard P. Goodkin, MD Margaret L. Gourlay, MD Manish Goyal, MD Edward Grace, DDS Maury J. Greenberg, MD Tomas Griebling, MD Kim Griswold, MD, MPH Linda Grossman, MD John G. Gums, PharmD Michael Haben, MD Julian S. Haber, MD Stephanie Halene, MD James Hallenbeck, MD Peter Ham, MD Thomas Hansen, MD Lisa Hark, PhD, RD Charlotte Harris, MD Ethan Hausman, MD Edward P. Havranek, MD John M. Heath, MD Robert Henshaw, MD Francisco Hernandez, MD Vincent Hetherington, DPM Mark L. Higdon, DO, MAJ, MC D. Ashley Hill, MD Rick Hobbs, MD Virginia Hofmann, MD Elizabeth Holt, MD Timothy Horita, MD Sylvia Hsu, MD Andrew Hull, MD Jane Huntington, MD Douglas Husmann, MD Jon Isaacson, MD Christine Jacobs, MD Jeffrey Jacobs, MD Tanzeen Jafar, MD Laura Jansen, MD Carolyn Jasik, MD Kristine Johnson, MD J. Stephen Jones, MD Melissa Jones, PharmD Shannon Joyce, MD Byron Joyner, MD Jennifer Junnila, MD Leila Kahwati, MD Mark Kantor, MD Kristine Karlson, MD Richard T. Katz, MD Robert Katz, MD Michael G. Kavan, PhD Akram Khan, MD Omar Khan, MD Niharika Khanna, MD Ernest I. Kohorn, MD Victor Kolade, MD Kimberly T. Krohn, MD, MPH, RD Indu Kunchar, MD Tony Y. Kuo, MD Awewara Kwara, MD Terrence L. Lakin, DO, MPH Mark A. LaPorta, MD Thomas M. Larsen, MSC Kim E. LeBlanc, MD Daniel Lee, MD Eugene S. Lee, MD, PhD K.J. Lee, MD Teofilo Lee-Chiong, MD Michael L. LeFevre, MD, MSPH Alex Leung, MD James T. C. Li, MD, PhD Steven Lippmann, MD Lenna Liu, MD Mahmoud Loghman-Adham, MD Ray Lord, MD Tieraona Low Dog, MD Jamee H. Lucas, MD Tom Lynch, PharmD Yolanda Mageto, MD Martin Mahoney, MD Ramsey Markus, MD Michael D. Mason, MD Ruchi Mathur, MD David McBride, MD Anthony McCall, MD Bill McCarberg, MD Daniel F. McCarter, MD Larry McCauley, EdD Myrtle McCulloch, RD, EdD Mary McDonald, MD Thomas J. McGarrity, MD Kelly McGarry, MD Toni McLaurin, MD David Mehr, MD Donna Meltzer, MD Darlyne Menscer, MD Dan Merenstein, MD Donald B. Middleton, MD Tony Miksanek, MD Jeff Milks, MD Merry Miller, MD Thomas H. Miller, MD Kirk C. Mills, MD Uzi Milman, MD Fred Miser, MD Judith Mitchell, MD Stephanie Moody-Antonio, MD Michael A. Moore, MD Jay Moreland, MD Thomas Morgan, MD Spencer Morris, PharmD Cathleen Morrow, MD Assad Movahed, MD Iain Muir, PT David Mulder, MD Myrna Munar, PharmD, BCPS | Joseph Mylotte, MD Wadie Najm, MD Leena S. Nathan, MD Eddie Needham, MD, FAAFP Jon O. Neher, MD Theresa Nevarez, MD Gregory P. Neyman, MD Duc Huu Nguyen, MD Trang H. Nguyen, MD Stephen F. Noll, MD Margaret R. Nusbaum, DO, MPH David R. Odiorne, MS, DC Karen Ogle, MD Arthur Ollendorf, MD Rene Olvera, MD David Ortiz, MD David J. Osguthorpe, MD Yinka Oyelese, MD J.F. Pagel, MD Amit Pandya, MD Dipak Pandya, MD Michael Park, MD Wayne F. Peate, MD, MPH Bernadette Pendergraph, MD Eugene Peters, MD Paul Pisarik, MD Gina P. Pittard, MD Madeley Pollock, MD Sarah D. Pritts, MD Dave Rakel, MD Steve Ralston, MD David A. Randall, MD Ehud Rath, MD Gail Reid, MD John T. Repke, MD Sirimon Reutrakul, MD Margaret Rick, MD Stephen Riggs, MD Adam Rindfleisch, MD David Ring, MD Paul Robb, MD Thomas C. Rosenthal, MD Steve Roskos, MD Michael Rotondo, MD Daniel Rubin, MD John Russell, MD Teresa Rutledge, MD Mary E. Sanders, PhD Jonathan Schaffir, MD Noah Schenkman, MD Siegfried Schmidt, MD Robert A. Schwartz, MD Carol Scott-Connor, MD Russell H. Searight, PhD, MPH Dean Seehusen, MD Warren R. Selman, MD Shelley S. Selph, MD Michael Setzen, MD Ingrid Sheldon, MD Pesach Shvartzman, MD Victor Sierpina, MD William M. Simpson, MD Jaswinder Singh, MD Keith Sinusas, MD Vivian Sisskin, MS Jason Skalet, MD Paul Sloan, MD Nina J. Solenski, MD Scott Spencer, DPM Michael R. Spieker, MD Gerard D. Spoelhof, MD Chris Spurney, MD Ksenija B. Stefanovic, MD Martin T. Stein, MD Kenneth K. Steinweg, MD James J. Stevermer, MD Terrence E. Steyer, MD Stephen K. Storer, MD Siva Subramanian, MD Sam Sunshine, MD Denise K. Sur, MD John E. Sutherland, MD Geoffery R. Swain, MD Jerry Swanson, MD John M. Swegle, PharmD Victor Tapson, MD Leslie M. Temple, MD Dale Terrell, MD Norman Thie, DDS John Thorp, MD Micah Thorp, DO, MPH Ken Tilashalski, MD Stephen Tilley, MD Kevin S. Toppenberg, MD Carolyn Torkelson, MD Larry Tune, MD James M. Turnbull, MD Carl Tyler, MD Kyle Uittenbogaard, MD Lisa Usdan, MD Gerard Varlotta, DO Charles Vega, MD Gary Ventolini, MD Rita Verma, MD Paul F. Vinger, MD Thomas Wakefield, MD Eric M. Wall, MD Quincy Wang, MD Muhammad Waseem, MD Amy Weeks, MD Jeffrey M. Weinberg, MD Mea A. Weinberg, DMD William Weiner, MD Roberta Weintraut, MD Barry D. Weiss, MD Dennis Y. Wen, MD Andrea M. Wessell, PharmD, BCPS, CDE Brett White, MD Jason Wilbur, MD Allan J. Wilke, MD Kimberly Wilson, PhD Thomas Wilson, MD Petter Winn, MD Betty Wray, MD Susan Z. Yanovski, MD Janet Yellowitz, DMD, MPH Emese Zalud, MD |