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Am Fam Physician. 2009;80(9):930

Like most journals, AFP relies on the expertise and generous contributions of our many peer reviewers. The peer review process helps improve the quality of articles, and maintain the high standards for which AFP is known. Peer reviewers are that “other set of eyes” that can help spot weaknesses in a manuscript, and make practical suggestions for improving its educational value.

Reviewers are asked to provide detailed comments about the presentation as well as the manuscript's authoritativeness and its documentation of a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to the subject. They review manuscripts using a detailed checklist to rate various aspects of the manuscript. Reviewers are asked to identify references, tables, figures, and information about new developments that should be added. They also evaluate the manuscript for appropriate balance and identify any apparent conflict of interest or bias.

Our process is double blinded: authors do not know who their reviewers are, and reviewers don't know the authors of the manuscripts they review. Although there is some difference of opinion regarding blinded review, we believe that this process produces the most helpful reviews, and ultimately leads to better articles.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in AFP are sent to several peer reviewers, including at least two family physicians, as well as two specialists in other disciplines or family physicians who have expertise in the subject matter of the article. Reviewers methodically evaluate the manuscript, which often requires hours of research and effort.

The AFP peer reviewers volunteer their time to help us ensure the quality of AFP content. Because of the substantial amount of time a review may require, AFP reviewers who are members of the AAFP may receive continuing medical education Prescribed credit for each review. The AAFP allows reviewers up to 3 Prescribed credits for each manuscript review they provide, with a maximum of 15 credits earned through peer review per year. To report credit earned by reviewing, reviewers can log in to the members section of the AAFP Web site at https://www.aafp.org/cme/about/report.html and complete the online form.

If you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for AFP, please e-mail a note of interest to afpjournal@georgetown.edu.

We thank the reviewers listed below, each of whom reviewed at least one manuscript between Jan. 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009.

Richard L. Abbott, MD
Neil Abramson, MD
Suraj Achar, MD
Ron Acierno, PhD
Brian Adams, MD
Damian P. Alagia, III, MD
Ross Albert, MD, PhD
Carolyn Alexander, MD
Khalid Almoosa, MD
Bryan Anderson, MD
Eric L. Anderson, MD
James G. Arbogast, MD
Gloria A. Bachmann, MD
Nitish Badhwar, MD
James Bailey, MD
I. Cori Baill, MD
Bryan Bales, PhD
Thomas Ball, MD
David Bamberger, MD
Philip S. Barnett, MD, PhD
Timothy Benton, MD
Michael Berkus, MD
Tanya Berrang, MD
Corrado Betterle, MD
Jacob L. Bidwell, MD
Kenneth Bielak, MD
Brett S. Bilbrey, MD
Arthur T. Blain, MD
Marianne Boltz, MD
Robert Bonakdar, MD
Carolyn A. Bondy, MD
Thomas Bossmar, MD
Glen M. Bowen, MD
Ryan Boxill, PhD
Mary Boyce, MD
Cynthia A. Bradford, MD
John Brancato, MD
Glenn Braunstein, MD
Jeffrey Brent, MD, PhD
Lawrence H. Brent, MD
Maximo Brito, MD
Robert T. Brodell, MD
Kelton Burbank, MD
Kevin E. Burroughs, MD
Bruce Bushwick, MD
Lucinda M. Buys, MD
Roger J. Cadieux, MD
James F. Calvert, MD
Peter J. Carek, MD
Sarah L. Cartwright, MD
Sara Cate, MD, MPH
Brian Caveney, MD
Kenneth O. Cayce, IV, MD
Bill Cayley, MD
Marc Cendron, MD
Richard Chan, MD
Deardre Chao, MD
Arjun B. Chatterjee, MD, MS
William Chavey, MD
Kavitha Chinnaiyan, MD
Carolyn Chu, MD
Costanza Cocilovo, MD
Jane E. Corboy, MD
Erik Cornel, MD
William Cotts, MD
Andrea U. Courtney, MD
Richard A. Crass, MD
Lynn A. Crosby, MD
Steve Crossman, MD
Larry Culpepper, MD
DeAnn Cummings, MD
Whit Curry, MD
Peter G. Danis, MD
Robert Dart, MD
John Davenport, MD
Moira Davenport, MD
Alan K. David, MD
Peter Dawson, MD, MPH
Larry Dean, MD
Ignacio Deartola, MD
Chris T. Derk, MD
William Dexter, MD
Robert L. Dickman, MD
James S. Distelhorst, MD
Lisa G. Dodson, MD
Allen Dollar, MD
Anatoly Dritschilo, MD
Suma Dronavalli, MD
John W. Ely, MD
James Espinosa, MD
Stephen M. Ettinger, MD
Ronnie Fass, MD
Henry Feder, MD
Barbara Felt, MD
Davide Festi, MD
Roberta B. Filuk, MD
Tim Flanigan, MD
Alan B. Fleischer, MD
Hubert Ford, MD
Lewis E. Foxhall, MD
Andrew S. Freiberg, MD
Peter Fricker, MD
Ivar L. Frithsen, MD
Armando Fuentes, MD
Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD
Joel E. Gallant, MD
Matthew Gammons, MD
Paula Gardiner, MD
David Gaspar, MD
James N. George, MD
Peter Gerbino, MD
Heather Gillespie, MD
Thomas Griebling, MD
Gil C. Grimes, MD
Linda Grossman, MD
John G. Gums, PharmD
Robert Gwyther, MD
Michael Haben, MD
Scott Hall, MD
Peter Ham, MD
Abdul-Latif Hamdan, MD
L. Lee Hamm, MD
Douglas I. Hammer, MD
Thomas J. Hansen, MD
Taylor Harrison, MD
Edward P. Havranek, MD
John M. Heath, MD
Angel Hernandez, MD
James C. Higgins, MD
Rick Hobbs, MD
David L. Hoff, MD
Kathryn J. Holder, MD
Patricia Hollingsworth, MD
Timothy Horita, MD
Conway Huang, MD
Bennie Jeng, MD
Melissa Jones, MD
Bonnie Jortberg, MS, RD
Shannon Joyce, MD
Gregory Juckett, MD
Jennifer Junnila, MD
Leila Kahwati, MD
Gary Kaplan, MD
Richard T. Katz, MD
Robert Katz, MD
Zeid Kayali, MD
Timothy J. Keay, MD, MA
Bill Kerns, MD
Amor Khachemoune, MD
Nikhil Khushalani, MD
David Kiefer, MD
George E. Kikano, MD
Scott Kinkade, MD
Jeffrey T. Kirchner, DO
Weekitt Kittisupamongkol, MD
Eric H. Klein, MD
Daniel Knight, MD
Charles Kodner, MD
Peter Kouides, MD
Priya D. Krishna, MD
Tony Kuo, MD
Terrence Lakin, DO, MPH
Helain Landy, MD
Brian Lane, MD
Alison Lauber, MD
Paul Lazar, MD
Kim Edward LeBlanc, MD
Daniel Lee, MD
Alex Leung, MD
Andrew Li, MD
Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD
Jonathan Y. Lukoff, MD
Julie Lumeng, MD
Martin Mahoney, MD
Antoine Makhlouf, MD
Peter Manes, MD
David Mannino, MD
Barry Materson, MD
Karen L. Maughan, MD
David McBride, MD
Patrick E. McBride, MD
James McCabe, MD
Bill McCarberg, MD
Peter A. McCullough, MD
Peter Meacher, MD
G. Rodney Meeks, MD
Matthew Mell, MD
Donna Meltzer, MD
John Messmer, MD
Tony Miksanek, MD
Paul J. Millea, MD
Kirk C. Mills, MD
William F. Miser, MD
Rachel Moon, MD
Michael A. Moore, MD
Norman Moore, MD
Spencer Morris, MD
Assad Movahed, MD
Tim Mulholland, MD
Daniel Mullin, MD
Myrna Munar, MD
Alfred Munzer, MD
Diya Mutasim, MD
Sherry Myatt, MD
Gerald Naccarelli, MD
Dannee Neal, MD
Gregory P. Neyman, MD
Joseph Niamtu, MD
Stephen F. Noll, MD
Nina O'Connor, MD
David R. Odiorne, MD
Angela Oglesby, MD
Robert C. Oh, MD
John W. O'Kane, MD
Barbara Olendzski, RD, MPH
Arthur Ollendorf, MD
Edward M. Onusko, MD
Hakan Oral, MD
David Ortiz, MD
Yinka Oyelese, MD
Bolanle Oyeyipo, MD
Biff Palmer, MD
Pasquale Palumbo, MD
Joanna M. Pangilinan, MD
Bernadette Pendergraph, MD
Stephen Petrany, MD
Michael E. Pichichero, MD
Gerald Pierard, MD
Luis Pires, MD
Paul Pisarik, MD
Thomas Platts-Mills, MD
Thomas Pommering, MD
Walter J. Pories, MD
Emily Porter, MD
Richard W. Pretorius, MD
David A. Quillen, MD
Charles T. Quinn, MD
David Rakel, MD
Ehud Rath, MD
Gary A. Ratkin, MD
Sirimon Reutrakul, MD
Beatrix Roemheld-Hamm, MD
Alayne Ronnenberg, MD
Nasser Said-Al-Naief, DDS, MS
Hemant Satpathy, MD
Jonathan Schaffir, MD
Noah Schenkman, MD
Eric L. Schneider, MD
Kenneth Schroeter, MD
Richard H. Schwartz, MD
Robert A. Schwartz, MD
Carol Scott-Connor, MD
Dean A. Seehusen, MD, MPH
Peter Selwyn, MD
Kamaljit Sethi, MD
Mayank Shah, MD
Kevin M. Sherin, MD
Anurag Singh, MD
Keith Sinusas, MD
Alan Jon Smally, MD
William D. Smucker, MD
Nina J. Solenski, MD
Mary C. Spalding, MD
Jeffrey Spivak, MD
Gerard David Spoelhof, MD
Ksenija B. Stefanovic, MD
Robert Steffen, MD
Mark B. Stephens, MD
Kirsten Stoesser, MD
Alan Stolpen, MD
Donald U. Stone, MD
Harry Strothers, III, MD
Siva Subramanian, MD
Denise K. Sur, MD
John W. Swegle, MD
Bahador Tafazoli, MD
James B. Talmage, MD
Leslie M. Temple, MD
Josie L. Tenore, MD
Penny Tenzer, MD
Roberta Testa, MD
Apurva Thekdi, MD
Carolyn Thiedke, MD
Micah Thorp, DO, MPH
Ken Tilashalski, DMD
Kevin Toppenberg, MD
Carolyn Torkelson, MD
James M. Turnbull, MD
Lisa Usdan, MD
Prayong Vachvanichsanong, MD
Belinda A. Vail, MD
Gary Ventolini, MD
H. Bruce Vogt, MD
Fred Volkmar, MD
Muhammad Waseem, MD
Charles Webb, MD
Eric Weichel, MD
Geoffrey A. Weinberg, MD
Roberta Weintraut, MD
Barry D. Weiss, MD
Brett White, MD
Jason Wilbur, MD
Allan J. Wilke, MD
Jonathan Wilkin, MD
Kimberly Wilson, MD
Petter Winn, MD
Betty Wray, MD
Susan Zelitch Yanovski, MD
Emese Zalud, MD

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