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Am Fam Physician. 2011;83(11):1245

The peer review process used by most respected medical journals like AFP is designed to ensure the journal brings high-quality, unbiased content to readers. AFP relies on the expertise and generous contributions of many peer reviewers who help spot weaknesses in manuscripts and improve their educational value.

Reviewers provide detailed comments about each manuscript's clarity, its accuracy, its authoritativeness, and its documentation of a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to the subject. They review manuscripts using a detailed checklist. Reviewers are asked to identify references, tables, figures, and information about new developments that should be added or updated. They also evaluate the manuscript for appropriate balance and identify any apparent conflict of interest or bias.

Our process is double blinded, meaning that authors are not told who their reviewers are, and reviewers are not given information about the authors of the manuscripts they review. We believe this process produces the most helpful reviews and ultimately leads to better articles.

Each manuscript considered for publication in AFP is sent to several peer reviewers, including at least two family physicians and two physicians, who may be family physicians or other specialists, chosen for their expertise in the subject matter of the article. Reviewers methodically evaluate the manuscript, which often requires hours of research and effort.

The AFP peer reviewers are volunteers; they are not paid for the substantial time reviews may require, although those who are members of the AAFP may receive continuing medical education Prescribed credit for each review. The AAFP allows reviewers up to 3 Prescribed credits for each manuscript review they provide (maximum of 15 credits per three-year cycle). To report credit earned, reviewers can log in to the members section of the Web site at https://www.aafp.org/CME/reporting/ClaimCredit.aspx and complete the online form. If you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for AFP, please e-mail a note of interest to afpjournal@georgetown.edu.

We thank the reviewers listed below, each of whom reviewed at least one manuscript between July 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2010. Without them, AFP wouldn't be the high-quality journal it is.

Allan Abbott, MD
Alykhan Abdulla, MD
Tom Abelson, MD
Stoney Alton Abercrombie,MD
Kabir Abubakar, MD
Alan M. Adelman, MD, MS
Damian P. Alagia, III, MD
Ross Albert, MD, PhD
Zarmeena Ali, MD
Marc Altshuler, MD
Bryan Anderson, MD
Eric L. Anderson, MD
Lecia M. Apantaku, MD
James G. Arbogast, MD
Ann M. Aring, MD
William B. Armstrong, MD
Donald Arnold, MD
Maria V. Arribas, MD
Michael Awad, MD, PhD
Allan Ayella, PhD
Walid Ayoub, MD
Gloria A. Bachmann, MD
Nitish Badhwar, MD
James Bailey, MD
I. Cori Baill, MD
Thomas Ball, MD
David Bamberger, MD
Philip Barnett, MD
Rebecca Beach, MD
Ellen Beck, MD
Scott Benson, MD, PhD
Timothy Benton, MD
David Bernstein, MD
Peter Beyer, MS, RD, LD
Subhash C. Bhatia, MD
Brett Bilbrey, MD
Bernadette Biondi, MD
Arthur T. Blain, MD
Barbra Blair, MD
Carolyn A. Bondy, MD
Scott Boone, MD
Shelia Bouldin, MD
Glen M. Bowen, MD
Anne S. Boyd, MD
Juliet Bradley, MD
Patrick Brady, MD
Richard D. Brasington, MD
Glenn Braunstein, MD
George Bray, MD
Dellyse Bright, MD
Julie C. Brown, MD
Sue Broy, MD
Geza Bruckner, PhD
Kim Bullock, MD
Kelton Burbank, MD
Kevin E. Burroughs, MD
Lucinda M. Buys, PharmD
John Byrn, MD
James F. Calvert, MD
Doug Campos-Outcalt, MD, MPA
Geoffrey Carden, MD
Peter J. Carek, MD, MS
John Cassels, MD
Sara Cate, MD, MPH
G. Anne Cather, MD
Brian Caveney, MD
Christina Cellini, MD
Marc Cendron, MD
Richard Chan, MBBS,
Gregory Y. Chang, MD
Arjun Bijoy Chatterjee, MD, MS
Carol E. Chenoweth, MD
James C. Chesnutt, MD
Kavitha Chinnaiyan, MD
Jennifer Christner, MD
Carolyn Chu, MD
Sandro Cinti, MD
Deb Clements, MD
Costanza Cocilovo, MD
Nancy Collop, MD
Joseph Connors, MD
Amy L. Copeland, PhD
Jane E. Corboy, MD
Erik Cornel, MD
Patricia A. Cornett, MD
Cybil Corning, MD
Tina M. Cowan, PhD
Richard A. Crass, MD
Julia Crim, MD
Holly Riedel Cronau, MD
Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH
Toni M. Cutson, MD
Stephen Dahmer, MD
Mel P. Daly, MD
Caruso Martin Daniel, MD
Robert Dart, MD
Moira Davenport, MD
Alan David, MD
Peter Dawson, MD, MPH
Clark Denniston, MD
Sumathi Devarajan, MD
William Dexter, MD
James S. Distelhorst, MD
Roger Dmochowski, MD
Allen Dollar, MD
David J. Doukas, MD
Patrick T. Dowling, MD, MPH
Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su, MD
Eric W. Edmonds, MD
Jamie L. Edrington, MA, CCC-SLP
David Eibling, MD
Willam Elder, PhD
James Espinosa, MD
Susanna Esposito, MD
Lyle Fagnan, MD
Timothy Farrell, MD
Ronnie Fass, MD
Henry Feder, MD
Thomas Fekete, MD
Edward R. Feller, MD
Kevin S. Ferentz, MD
Laura Ferris, MD, PhD
Davide Festi, MD
Robert B. Filuk, MD
Reginald Finger, MD, MPH
David Fiore, MD
Melanie A. Fisher, MD
Robert S. Fisher, MD
David Flinders, MD
Anthony Wing Keung Fong, MD
Bridgette Boggess Franey, MD
Jennifer Frank, MD
Jason Freeman, PhD
Andrew S. Freiberg, MD
Richard J. Friedman, MD
Sheila Gahagan, MD
Matthew Gammons, MD
Devang Gandhi, MD
Paula Gardiner, MD
Matthew G. Garoufalis, DPM
Peter Gerbino, MD
Karen Gershman, MD
R. Clark Gillett, Jr., MD
Paulette Gillig, MD
Steve Goldberg, MD
Constance M. Goldgar, MS, PA-C
Ronald H. Goldschmidt, MD
Alice Gong, MD
Manish Goyal, MD
Edward Grace, DDS
David Greenhalgh, MD
Thomas Griebling, MD
John G. Gums, PharmD
Scott Hall, MD
Peter Ham, MD
Dianne Handy, MS, CCC-SLP
Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH
Ethan Hausman, MD
Edward P. Havranek, MD
Cathryn B. Heath, MD
John M. Heath, MD
Joel John Heidelbaugh, MD
Stephen Helms, MD
Nikhil Hemady, MD
Peter Henke, MD
Christian L. Hermansen, MD
Angel Hernandez, MD
Sharon J. Herring, MD, MPH
Vincent John Hetherington, DPM
Patricia Hollingsworth, MD
Jennifer Holter, MD
Thomas Hooton, MD
Timothy Horita, MD
William J. Hueston, MD
Richard Irwin, MD
Kristin Jackson, MD
Daniel Jacobs, MD
Tanzeen Jafar, MD
Olamide Jarrett, MD, MPH
Shannon Joyce, MD
Jennifer Junnila, MD
Leila Kahwati, MD
Mary Kamb, MD
Sabesan Karuppiah, MD
Zeid Kayali, MD
Amor Khachemoune, MD, CWS
Omar A. Khan, MD, MHS, FAAFP
Niharika Khanna, MD
Nikhil Khushalani, MD
Michael Kim, MD
Simon Kipersztok, MD
Jeffrey Kirchner, DO
Weekitt Kittisupamongkol, MD
Daniel Knight, MD
Michael Koehle, MD, PhD
Peter Kouides, MD
Leonard R. Krilov, MD
Thirumala Krishna, MD
Kristine Krueger, MD
Tony Kuo, MD, MSHS
Terrence Lakin, DO
Jeffrey B. Lanier, MD
Trisha LaPointe, PharmD
Carol LaSasso, PhD
W. Ross Lawler, MD
Paul Lazar, MD
Kim Edward LeBlanc, MD, PhD
Caroline Lee, MD
Daniel Lee, MD
Lawrence M. Leeman, MD, MPH
Alexander K.C. Leung, MD, MBBS
James H. Lewis, MD
James T. C. Li, MD, PhD
Hubert S. Lin, MD
Ingrid Liu, MD
Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD
Mahmoud Loghman-Adham, MD
Lenny Lopez, MD
Jonathan Y. Lukoff, MD
John Maa, MD
Mark Madison, MD
Martin Mahoney, MD
John Malaty, MD
Peter Manes, MD
Henry J. Mankin, MD
Paul Martin, MD
Mina Matin, MD
Todd May, MD
David McBride, MD
Patrick E. McBride, MD, MPH
Daniel Franklin McCarter, MD
Donna I. Meltzer, MD
Darlyne Menscer, MD
Dan Merenstein, MD
John Messmer, MD
Tony Miksanek, MD
Jeff Milks, MD
Paul J. Millea, MD, MA
Michael Milligan, MD
Uzi Milman, MD
Matthew Mintz, MD
Judith Mitchell, MD
Prashanth Mopala, MD
Jay Moreland, MD
Lori J. Mosca, MD, MPH, PhD
Eliot Mostow, MD
Daniel Mullin, PsyD
Myrna Munar, PharmD
Malcolm Munro, MD
Alfred Munzer, MD
Lorraine Nadkarni, DO
Dannee Neal, MD
Sara Neal, MD
Eddie Needham, MD, FAAFP
Theresa Nevarez, MD
Audrey Newell, MD
Mohamed Noor, MD
James G. O’Brien, MD
Nina R. O’Connor, MD
David R. Odiorne, MS, DC
Angela Oglesby, MD
Vladimir Ognenovski, MD
Robert C. Oh, MD, MPH
Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH
Arthur Ollendorf, MD
Edward M. Onusko, MD
David Ortiz, MD
Brigid Mary Pajunen, MD
Dipak P. Pandya, MD
Anil D. Patel, MD
Deborah Pauer, MD
Frank Pelosi, MD
Bernadette Pendergraph, MD
Stephen Petrany, MD
Michael E. Pichichero, MD
Paul Pisarik, MD
Gina P. Pittard, MD
Shannon Pittman, MD
Thomas Platts-Mills, MD, PhD
Donald Pompan, MD
Selina Poon, MD
Richard W. Pretorius, MD, MPH
Charles T. Quinn, MD, MS
Alberto Rafael Ramos, MD
David A. Randall, MD
Ehud Rath, MD
Gary A. Ratkin, MD
John Rectenwald, MD, MS
Gail Reid, MD
Sirimon Reutrakul, MD
Mary Revenis, MD
Josiah D. Rich, MD
David Neil Roberts, MD
Alayne Ronnenberg, ScD
Helen Ross, MD
Mark Rumbak, MD
Timothy Ruse, MD
John Russell, MD
John Russo, MD
Alan Salkind, MD
Karen Salomon-Escoto, MD
Yasser Saloum, MD
Karen SantaCruz, MD
David S. Schade, MD
Randall T. Schapiro, MD
Noah Schenkman, MD
Andreas Schmid, MD
Eric L. Schneider, DO
Brian Schroeder, MD
Kenneth W. Schroeder, MD
Richard H. Schwartz, MD
Robert A. Schwartz, MD
Carol Scott-Connor, MD
H. Russell Searight, PhD, MPH
Dean Allen Seehusen, MD, MPH
Kamaljit Sethi, MD
Donald W. Shenenberger, MD, FAAD, FAAFP
Kevin M. Sherin, MD
Pesach Shvartzman, MD
Paul D. Simmons, PhD
Jay Siwek, MD
David C. Slawson, MD
Dwight Wesley Smith, MD
William D. Smucker, MD
Danielle Snyderman, MD
Lisa Soldat, MD
Kit Song, MD
Dan Sontheimer, MD
Elias Spanakis, MD
Jeanne P. Spencer, MD
Sharon Stancliff, MD
Ksenija B. Stefanovic, MD
Mark B. Stephens, MD
James J. Stevermer, MD
Kirsten Stoesser, MD
Alan H. Stolpen, MD, PhD
Neil Stone, MD
Mark Stovak, MD
Harry Strothers, III, MD, MMM
Siva Subramanian, MD
Steve Sundheimer, MD
Denise K. Sur, MD
Anthony Suruda, MD, MPH
James Byron Talmage, MD
Howard Tandeter, MD
Sarah Taylor, MA
Roberto Testa, MD
Apurva Thekdi, MD
Ken Tilashalski, MD
Stephen Tilley, MD
Kenneth Tobin, MD
David E. Trachtenbarg, MD
Larry Tune, MD
James M. Turnbull, MD
Ashok Tuteja, MD
Brian K. Unwin, MD
Belinda A. Vail, MD
Paul Varosy, MD
Gary Ventolini, MD
Anthony J. Viera, MD
Holenarasipur R. Vikram, MD
Paul Vinger, MD
Michael Vitale, MD
H. Bruce Vogt, MD
Muhammad Waseem, MD
Amy Wasserman, MD
Charles Webb, DO
Jeffrey M. Weinberg, MD
Edith Weisberg, MD
Caroline Wellbery, MD
Benjamin Westley, MD
Brett White, MD
Michael Thomas White, MD
Heather P. Whitley, PharmD
Jason Wilbur, MD
Joshua Z. Willey, MD, MS
Eugene Kennon Wilson, MD
David Winchester, MD
Jonathan Winter, MD
Allison Wong, MD
Betty Wray, MD
Lisa Xu, MD
Susan Zelitch Yanovski, MD
Johnnie Yates, MD
Theodore Yee, MD, MPH
Rosabel Young, MD, MS
James Zehnder, MD

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