Fam Pract Manag. 2012;19(3):32
Cindy Hughes is a coding and compliance consultant with Medical Revenue Solutions, based in Oak Grove, Mo., and a contributing editor to Family Practice Management. Author disclosure: no relevant financial affiliations disclosed. These answers were reviewed by the FPM Coding & Documentation Review Panel, which includes Robert H. Bösl, MD, FAAFP; Marie Felger, CPC, CCS-P; Thomas A. Felger, MD, DABFP, CMCM; David Filipi, MD, MBA, and the Coding and Compliance Department of Physicians Clinic; Emily Hill, PA-C; Kent Moore; Joy Newby, LPN, CPC; P. Lynn Sallings, CPC; and Susan Welsh, CPC, MHA.
Immunization visit for new patient
ICD-9 codes for obesity
EHR overstating exam level?
When a Medicare annual wellness visit follows a Welcome to Medicare physical
Editor's note: While this department attempts to provide accurate information, some payers may not agree with the advice given.