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Global Health

The Wide-Reaching Effects of Global Health

Because the health of patients within U.S. borders is affected by the health of populations worldwide, and health outcomes in other countries can be affected by developments in the U.S., you have a significant stake in global health issues.

100 million
Approximate number of people forcibly displaced globally in 20221

Approximate number of refugees resettled annually in the U.S. over the last 43 years2

45.3 million
Approximate number of
foreign-born people living
in U.S.3

Center for Global Health Initiatives Webinar Series

Be a part of Global Health.
Find out how Family Medicine and Global Health intersect and how you can make an impact.

This free CME series is for members only.

Past sessions are available on demand

Keep the conversation going through the Global Health Member Interest Group community. Join the group today

The Global Health Webinar Series is made possible by a grant from the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation.

Global Health Webinars

Global Health Information and Resources





Webinar Replay: Ethics in Global Health – Exploring Cases in Partnerships and Clinical Care

This is the first webinar in a series of Global Health Mentorship webinars jointly developed by AAFP CGHI and STFM GHEC (Global Health Educators Collaborative).

Watch this interactive discussion with family physician experts in global health ethics to learn how ethical principles can be used to guide activities and partnerships. 



  1. Refugee Data Finder. UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency. Available at: https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/insights/explainers/100-million-forcibly-displaced.html. Accessed August 11, 2023.
  2. Refugees and Asylees in the United States. Migration Policy Institute. Available at: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/refugees-and-asylees-united-states. Accessed August 11, 2023. 
  3. U.S. Immigrant Population and Share over Time, 1850-Present. Migration Policy Institute. Available at: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/us-immigration-trends#history. Accessed August 11, 2023