Acute bronchitis is defined as acute cough with symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection. Diagnostic testing is not indicated unless there is concern for other potential causes.
Management of chronic pelvic pain in women should follow an interdisciplinary approach to improve quality of life.
Patients commonly seek guidance about the risks and benefits of pacifiers as well as when and how to wean children from them. Various types of pacifiers appear to have similar risks and benefits.
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Read the joint editorial from several family medicine journal editors.
Nicotine electronic cigarettes (1:30), acute bronchitis (4:10), berdazimer (6:40), cardiac rehabilitation (11:40), chronic pelvic pain (13:50), and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in heart failure (22:10). EXPLORE AFP PODCAST
Predicción del riesgo cardiovascular PREVENT (1:40), esteroides tópicos para la fimosis (3:55), verrugas genitales (8:35), psilocibina para tratar la depresión (14:10), anomalías de las extremidades inferiores en niños (16:00) y pautas sobre la fibrilación auricular (23:25). EXPLORAR REVISTA MÉDICA AFP