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Who is the AAFP?

Our mission is simple: Strengthen family physicians and the communities they care for. Built on decades of proven representation, leadership, and advocacy, we support our members and the specialty with high standards and dynamic opportunities.

AAFP members at an event


Advancing the specialty to enhance patient care.

Our Governance

Get involved. Become a family medicine leader.

Our Chapters

Local connections. National rewards.

Affiliated Organizations

Additional opportunities to expand your impact.

Treating the whole person through family medicine

Building patient-physician relationships on a personal level place family physicians as the cornerstone of health care. Discover how the AAFP and its members promote, support, and advance this vital role in patient and community health.

Key Advocacy Initiatives

Bringing the fight for family medicine where it's needed the most.

Programs & Initiatives

Education, information, and actions that serve the needs of patients, physicians, and communities.

Our Policies

The official policies that guide the AAFP, organized alphabetically for reference.

Family Medicine Specialty

As the foundation of health care in America, the speciality offers physicians versatility and the opportunity to positively impact their communities.
Shawn Martin and Dr. Henley

Meet our Leadership

AAFP leaders work to elevate family medicine across a variety of platforms, needs and audiences.

Leadership opportunities

Get involved! Leadership roles are available for members throughout their career in the specialty, from student to family physician.

Explore Leadership Opportunities » 

Connect with the AAFP

Strengthen your relationship with the family medicine community.