Inefficient healthcare workflows have a negative impact on clinicians, patients, and healthcare organizations. Patients experience long wait times for appointments and in waiting rooms, while inaccurate or missing information in electronic health records (EHRs) can impact patient care. Clinicians become frustrated and burned out and leave their jobs, while insurance payment denials and delays create cash flow problems.
Today’s clinicians are faced with the challenge of accomplishing more with limited resources. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize workflows to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
In a recent survey conducted by Sermo, increasing workflow efficiency was cited as the top goal for physicians, closely followed by improving work/life balance.1 Medscape’s burnout and depression report found that respondents rated bureaucratic tasks (61%), long working hours (37%), and a lack of control/autonomy over life (31%) as the top contributors to burnout.2 It’s no surprise that “Too many bureaucratic tasks” tops Medscape’s list, especially when you consider that for every hour of patient care, two hours are spent documenting it.3
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Technology has transformed healthcare, particularly in the areas of medical documentation and common clinical tasks. Conversational artificial intelligence (AI), ambient AI, and generative AI have propelled the industry forward, enabling new functionalities and infusing healthcare experiences with intelligence. These advancements are contributing to improved patient care and enhancing clinician-patient experiences, making it possible to move away from inefficient processes.
Nuance and Microsoft have clinical workflow efficiency solutions to aid clinicians and care teams. Want to capture the full patient story automatically to reduce cognitive load and focus fully on patients? Want to have documentation created for you and save significant time so you can catch up on other tasks with time to spare after work to spend how you choose? That’s exactly what Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX™) does. It securely records the clinician-patient conversation and automatically converts it into medical documentation and delivers it into the EHR.
DAX delivers outcomes by addressing challenges in real-world clinical environments and, among other benefits, on average, reduces documentation time by 50%. DAX has been in the market for more than three years and is used by thousands of clinicians in ambulatory practices in hundreds of healthcare organizations of all sizes nationwide. Physicians who use DAX report a 70% decrease in feelings of burnout and fatigue and 79% better work/life balance, and their cognitive burden is cut nearly in half.
So, what will you do with your free time once you take full advantage of DAX to improve workflow efficiency? See more patients? Spend more time with family and friends? Enjoy more leisure time?
Explore DAX and find greater joy in practicing medicine.
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