• Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP

    Candidate for AAFP President-Elect

    Personal Statement

    The JOY, love and promise of family medicine can overcome the burdens of our broken system. This will be realized through INNOVATION — technical, with family physicians leading in development, leveraging AI, alleviating tedious administrative tasks, and demanding equitable and unbiased tools; and structural, with primary care spend investment, up-front payment models and practice structures. Living our work and values is the INSPIRATION to current and future students, residents and new physicians. 

    The next FM generation challenges our readiness — compelling us to adapt employed positions, and diving into DPC and new models of doctoring and care delivery. My solution-oriented, problem-solving approach exudes both optimism and foresight, coupled with a contagious enthusiasm. The greatest joy comes from our shared vision, and from engaging and strengthening our collective voice to take action and make that which we envision a reality.


    Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP, is vice president for innovation and optimization, and chief medical information officer at The Institute for Family Health, a network of 27-plus federally qualified health centers in Mid-Hudson, Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn. Approaching two decades practicing in the South Bronx, Dr. Nosal consistently achieves top quality on organizational performance metrics. As CMIO, she secured funding for IT infrastructure, and helped her institution become a regional leader in data-sharing and ensuring equitable information access. 

    As physician lead, Dr. Nosal was instrumental in shaping the Institute’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, transitioning to a new normal, and rolling out comprehensive telehealth services and vaccination sites. Dr. Nosal is assistant professor in the Mount Sinai Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, focusing on care of marginalized communities and the uninsured, sharing the role of medical director for the Einstein student-run free clinic.

    A member of the AAFP since 2004, she has served as chair of the AAFP Commission on Membership and Member Services and chair of the commission’s Special Constituencies Subcommittee. In 2014, Dr. Nosal served as convener of the National Conference of Special Constituencies. Dr. Nosal’s earliest New York State AFP role was as resident delegate to the NYSAFP Congress of Delegates. She subsequently served the Board of Directors in numerous roles, including as president of the state academy and as NYSAFP delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates. 

    Dr. Nosal has been an active member of the Medical Society of the State of New York since medical school. Roles include past chair of MSSNY Primary Care Caucus, current co-chair of the Committee on Preventive Medicine & Family Health and Comitia Minora Bronx County Medical Society. 

    Dr. Nosal earned her BA in biology and psychology from Bryn Mawr College. She earned her medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and completed her family medicine residency at Beth Israel Medical Center.

    Dr. Nosal is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. She has the AAFP Degree of Fellow, an earned degree awarded to family physicians for distinguished service and continuing medical education.