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  • Continuing Medical Education, AAFP Activities and Industry Funding

    The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) affirms that it must maintain responsibility for control over the selection of content, faculty, education methods and materials in all of its continuing medical education (CME) activities when the AAFP is the provider of record with an accrediting body, to ensure objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor and independence. "Responsibility for control" includes all aspects of topic selection, content development, and speaker selection, which will be conducted by the AAFP.

    The AAFP appreciates the financial support provided by proprietary entities for its CME activities. Any funds for this purpose must be in the form of an unrestricted educational grant made payable to the AAFP as the accredited provider of the supported activities. 

    The AAFP affirms and complies with the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) Opinion 9.6.2 "Gifts to Physicians from Industry", the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) "Standards for Integrity and Independence in Continuing Education", and the Council of Medical Special Societies (CMSS) "Code for Interactions with Companies,".

    The AMA "Ethical Guidelines for Gifts to Physicians from Industry" serves as a guide to individual AAFP members, the ACCME "Standards for Integrity and Independence in Continuing Education" serves as a guide for the development of all CME activities by the AAFP; and the CMSS "Code for Interactions with Companies" serves as a guide for the AAFP's relationships with CMSS defined Companies.

    The AAFP has the right and responsibility to interpret the guidelines for the organization and its members on an ongoing basis. The AAFP opposes federal or state governmental efforts to enforce these guidelines. The issue of enforcement is the responsibility of physicians and their professional organizations.

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments program, requires manufacturers of pharmaceuticals or medical devices to publicly report payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals thereby creating greater transparency around the financial relationships that occur among them. Indirect payments to faculty should be exempt from reporting when the CME activity meets the accreditation requirements and standards of the ACCME and/or the eligibility requirements and standards of the AAFP Credit System.  (1991) (September 2024 COD)