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  • Seal, AAFP

    Each element of the AAFP seal helps tell the story of family medicine and its role in American health care. By building respect and awareness for family medicine, the AAFP aims to be a guiding light for all family physicians.

    • The torch signifies enlightenment. Its flame is a guiding light that represents honor, valor, and victory.
    • The serpent encircling the staff represents healing and the renewing power of life. (The staff encircled by the serpent is a symbol given to Apollo and his son, Aesculapius. It is the traditional symbol of medicine.)
    • The tagline Strong Medicine for America demonstrates our belief that family physicians are the cornerstone of the American health care system. The AAFP is working to position family physicians as foundational to a primary care, physician-based health care system; and to ensure family physicians become tomorrow’s respected providers of vital, quality health care delivered cost-effectively. 

    This Bold Champion seal was adopted by the AAFP Board of Directors in August 2007 in Beaver Creek, Colorado. The original seal was conceived in 1947, updated in 1956, and updated again in 1971 to reflect the AAFP’s name change.

    (March 2008) (September 2024 COD)