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The website may be down at times on Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March 9, for maintenance. 

  • Team-Based Care

    Patients are best served when their primary care needs are met by physician-led, integrated care teams. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) encourages health professionals to work together as multidisciplinary, integrated teams in the best interest of patients. 

    The success of team-based care requires an integrated practice arrangement in which a practicing, licensed physician (MD/DO) works with other health care personnel to manage the care of an individual patient and a population of patients using a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to health care. The care team should address holistic patient needs for high-value, accessible health care and be supported by enhanced communication and processes that empower care team members to effectively utilize their skills, training and abilities to the full extent of their professional capacity. (1996 COD) (October 2023 COD)