Primary care— and particularly family medicine— is foundational to continued progress in reforming the health care system. The complexity of care provided by family physicians is unparalleled in medicine; Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care shows that patients who have several health concerns seek the care of their family physician over subspecialists.
The AAFP’s policies call for continued progress toward health care for all, supported by a payment system that rewards value over volume of services, promotes prevention and wellness, protects patients from financial barriers to needed services, and contributes to a primary care physician workforce to meet the growing demand for care. Family physicians urge the federal government to make these issues a priority as we reform and improve America’s health care system.
Please use the map and its zoom functions to select a state (Hawaii and Alaska included) to view its family medicine statistics and link to each AAFP State Chapter's website.
The Congressional Primary Care Caucus is dedicated to advancing public policy that promotes and preserves a well-trained, high-quality primary care workforce and delivery system as the foundation of our nation’s health care system.