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  • Vaccine and Immunization Advocacy

    America’s family physicians recognize that vaccines and immunizations are invaluable tools for keeping patients healthy across the lifespan, particularly for individuals with an underlying chronic health condition. Immunizations are recognized as a 21st century public health achievement. Although fewer individuals die from vaccine-preventable diseases, far too few Americans receive the recommended vaccines.

    To maximize the preventive capabilities of immunizations, the Academy has:

    • actively supported the objective of HHS' National Vaccine Program Office to achieve 90% influenza vaccine coverage for health care personnel;
    • made detailed recommendations in support of a proposed CMS rule that would require Medicare and Medicaid providers to offer all patients an annual influenza vaccine unless contraindicated;
    • served as a leader within the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition;
    • promoted policies to increase access to vaccines and to improve immunization information systems; and
    • supported policies to reduce vaccine hesitance, such as funding for awareness campaigns to educate the public about vaccine-preventable diseases.

    The AAFP advocates at the federal and state levels to improve vaccination access, administration and uptake.

    Why We Fight

    The AAFP believes that, regardless of economic and insurance status, children and adults should have access to all recommended immunizations, and that the federal government has a substantial role to play in helping ensure that access.

    Creating a Community of Immunity

    AAFP supports your efforts to get patients vaccinated at any age.  

    Recent AAFP Communications

    Joint Communications with Other Organizations

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