Website maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, and Sunday, January 19. Short disruptions will occur during these days.

  • Advocacy to Advance Primary Care Research

    Investing in the Future of Health Care

    As the country’s only physician association dedicated to primary care, the AAFP has vigorously supported new research initiatives and advocated for funding to develop and sustain primary care.

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is one of 12 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services and is charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. It supports important research to improve clinical decision-making, advance patient safety, decrease medical errors, and enhance health care quality and access. AHRQ provides the critical evidence reviews needed to answer questions on the common acute, chronic, and comorbid conditions that family physicians see on a daily basis.

    Why We Fight

    The Academy views AHRQ research as crucial to the science of primary care and to patient-centered outcomes, and enthusiastically supports the agency. The AAFP lobbies to ensure that AHRQ continues to have robust funding and support.

    Baseline Scorecard Tracking Support for Primary Care

    The Health of US Primary Care: 2024 Scorecard report assesses the health of primary care at the federal level using measures of access, financing, workforce/training, and research.