Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(9):1603
See related article on testosterone treatments.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone (say: tess-TOSS-ter-own) is a hormone found in men and women. Men have much higher levels than women. In men, testosterone can cause thick and rough hair, deep voice, and strong muscles. The right levels keep sex drive normal. Some people who need extra testosterone can get medicine from their doctors (testosterone therapy).
Who needs testosterone therapy?
Men who have low testosterone levels often feel tired and have a low sex drive. Women who are menopausal also can have a low sex drive. Men with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) can become weak and lose muscle. Testosterone therapy may help all of these people.
Is it safe to take testosterone?
There has not been enough research to know what happens if someone takes testosterone for a long time. Some people think testosterone therapy might cause prostate or breast cancer. Very high doses can hurt the liver, blood, and maybe the heart.
Are there any side effects of taking testosterone?
For men, high doses of testosterone can cause the prostate gland to swell and the blood count to increase. Women can get extra hair in some places and lose hair in others. Women and men can get acne.
How do I take testosterone?
Men can take testosterone as a patch, cream, gel, or shot. Women can take testosterone as a pill or shot.