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  • Articles

    Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

    Jeffrey M. Weinfeld, Kathryn M. Hart, Jose D. Vargas

    Home blood pressure monitoring can confirm the diagnosis of hypertension after an elevated in-office blood pressure measurement. Although ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is the diagnostic standard for measurement, home blood pressure monitoring is more practical and...

    Kawasaki Disease and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: An Overview and Comparison

    John B. Darby, Jennifer M. Jackson

    Kawasaki disease and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children are inflammatory conditions that present with overlapping features; however, they are two distinct conditions. Kawasaki disease predominantly affects children younger than five years, whereas multisystem...

    Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Outpatient Management

    Samuel M. Tiglao, Erica S. Meisenheimer, Robert C. Oh

    Approximately one-half of patients with alcohol use disorder who abruptly stop or reduce their alcohol use will develop signs or symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can lead to tremors, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, anxiety,...

    Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Rapid Evidence Review

    Shawn F. Kane, Caroline Roberts, Ryan Paulus

    Hereditary hemochromatosis results in systemic iron overload, leading to tissue damage and organ failure. There is no typical presentation or pathognomonic signs and symptoms, although a common initial presentation is an asymptomatic patient with mildly elevated liver enzymes...

    Splenomegaly: Diagnosis and Management in Adults

    Sommer Aldulaimi, Ana M. Mendez

    The most common causes of splenomegaly in the United States are liver disease, malignancy, and infection. Patient habits, travel, and medical conditions can increase the risk of splenomegaly, and symptoms can suggest infectious, malignant, hepatic, or hematologic causes.

    Neglected Parasitic Infections: What Family Physicians Need to Know—A CDC Update

    Paul T. Cantey, Susan P. Montgomery, Anne Straily

    Neglected parasitic infections affect millions of people in the United States. Family physicians should understand the basic principles of clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases such as Chagas disease, cysticercosis, and toxoplasmosis.


    Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Call for Mother-Infant Dyad Treatment Approach

    Roschanak Mossabeb, Kevin Sowti

    Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a constellation of symptoms observed in newborns exposed to opioids during pregnancy. Between 50% and 80% of infants exposed to opioids in utero will develop NAS.

    Parasitic Infections: Do Not Neglect Strongyloidiasis

    Johnnie Yates

    A review of infections of increasing relevance to family physicians in the United States because of demographic changes and increased ability for or access to international travel.

    AFP Clinical Answers

    Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain, NAFLD, Peripheral Neuropathy, Myocardial Infarction

    Key clinical questions and their evidence-based answers directly from the journal’s content, written by and for family physicians.

    Cochrane for Clinicians

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Training to Prevent and Treat Urinary and Fecal Incontinence in Antenatal and Postnatal Patients

    Pamela Vnenchak

    Does pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) help prevent or treat urinary or fecal incontinence during pregnancy or after delivery?

    Reducing Saturated Fat Intake to Decrease the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

    Drew Baird, Vanessa Rivera

    Does reducing saturated fat intake decrease morbidity and mortality related to cardiovascular disease (CVD)?

    Curbside Consultation

    Using Race with Caution in the ASCVD Calculator

    Mara Gordon, Isha Marina Di Bartolo

    Legal, psychological, and ethical encounters found in physicians' day-to-day practices.

    Putting Prevention Into Practice

    Screening for Colorectal Cancer

    Tina Fan, Ruth Stefanos

    Series of short reports and quizzes based on guidelines from the USPSTF.

    FPIN's Clinical Inquiries

    Melatonin to Treat Insomnia in Older Adults

    Jon O. Neher, Anna Goebel, Diana K.N. Louden

    How safe and effective are melatonin receptor agonists for treating insomnia in older adults?

    Photo Quiz

    Slow-Growing, Painless Periungual Nodule

    Jay Haynes, Corley Pruneda, Amanda Hernandez

    A 53-year-old patient presented with a painless lesion on the left third digit that had been slowly growing for about 20 years.

    Hyperpigmentation of the Hands, Feet, and Tongue

    Jacob Tuttle, Shea Giaquinto

    A 55-year-old patient presented with a one-month history of a painless, nonpruritic rash involving the palms, soles, and tongue.

    Diagnostic Tests

    Fecal Calprotectin for the Evaluation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Carl Bryce, Merima Bucaj

    Calprotectin is a protein expressed by neutrophils. The presence of fecal calprotectin is a sensitive indicator of gastrointestinal inflammation, with higher levels representing more inflammation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of fecal...

    Lown Right Care

    Efficient Approach to the Evaluation of Syncope

    Andy Lazris, Alan R. Roth, Helen Haskell, John James

    A 78-year-old patient in good health has hypertension that is well controlled with medication. One fall afternoon, the patient was raking leaves when they suddenly passed out. The patient had no dizziness or other symptoms before or after the event. Their partner saw them...

    Point-of-Care Guides

    Applying a Clinical Prediction Rule to Distinguish Lower Extremity Cellulitis from Its Mimics

    Lia Pierson Bruner

    How can a clinician best determine whether a patient with lower leg erythema has cellulitis?


    Remdesivir (Veklury) for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients

    Shyam Odeti, Venkata K. Yellepeddi

    Remdesivir (Veklury) is an antiviral drug that inhibits the replication of pathogenic human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1.

    Diary of a Family Physician

    Diary of a Family Physician

    Priscilla Auguste

    First-person accounts from the front lines of family medicine.

    Practice Guidelines

    Cervical Cancer Screening: Updated Guidelines from the American Cancer Society

    Priscilla Auguste

    Key Points for Practice

    Outpatient Primary Care Management of Headaches: Guidelines from the VA/DoD

    Brian Ford, Michael Dore, Ethan Harris

    Key Points for Practice

    Medicine by the Numbers

    Comparison of Treatment Regimens for Helicobacter pylori Infection

    Brit Long, Michael Gottlieb

    Evidence-based ratings from the NNT Group of therapies, diagnostic tests, and risk assessments.


    Epidural Corticosteroid Injections Provide Minimal, If Any, Benefit in Low Back Pain with Sciatica

    Mark H. Ebell

    The Risk of Progression from Prediabetes to Diabetes in Older Adults Is Low

    Allen F. Shaughnessy

    In Older Adults, Aspirin Increases the Risk of Metastatic or Stage 4 Cancers and Cancer Mortality

    Henry C. Barry

    Take-and-Hold Prescriptions for Children with Respiratory Tract Infections Decrease Antibiotic Use with Similar Outcomes

    Allen F. Shaughnessy

    Information from Your Family Doctor

    Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home

    Checking your blood pressure at home is more accurate than checking it at the doctor's office. If your blood pressure is high, treating it can lower the risk of problems with your heart, kidneys, and eyes.


    All editors in a position to control content for this activity, AFP journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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