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Splinting, Wrapping, Casting, Taping Edition 2

Online CME

Splinting, Wrapping, Casting, Taping Edition 2 education on multiple screens
CME Credits

4.5 AAFP
Prescribed Credits

Access Available

Access Through
June 25, 2027

Being able to apply splints, wraps, casts, and tape is a vital skill for any family physician, as you’re able to care for your patients without referring them to an orthopedist. Expand the scope of your practice through this in-depth, step-by-step video CME, designed as if you were learning in person. 

After taking this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Determine the severity of bone and/or soft tissue injury
  • Utilize various casts for a fracture/musculoskeletal injury
  • Apply various splinting, wrapping, and taping techniques for specific musculoskeletal injuries

AAFP Member: $89
New Physician: $79
Student or Resident: $69
Other Health Care Professional: $89
Nonmember: $119

Splinting, Wrapping, Casting, and Taping

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