:Which of the following best describes your employment/professional situation? | ||
:Full-time (at least 35 hours/week) | percent:88% | |
:Part-time | percent:11% | |
:Fully retired | percent:<1% | |
:Not in the workforce for other reasons | percent:1% | |
:Average percent of time spent in various tasks | ||
:Clinical practice/patient care and related tasks | :82% | percent:90.0% |
:Administration or managerial tasks (not directly related to patient care) | :11% | percent:5% |
:Research | :1% | percent:0% |
:Teaching | :6% | percent:0% |
:Which of the following best describes your role in the ownership of your primary clinical practice? | ||
:You are the sole owner of your practice | percent:10% | |
:You are a partial owner or shareholder in your practice | percent:14% | |
:You have no official ownership stake in your practice (100% employed) | percent:73% | |
:Not applicable/not in clinical practice | percent:3% | |
:Who is your primary employer? | ||
:Hospital/Health System | percent:53% | |
:Physician group | percent:16% | |
:Government | percent:15% | |
:University | percent:10% | |
:Managed care organization or insurance company | percent:2% | |
:Other | percent:4% | |
:If you see patients, indicate your primary patient care location | ||
:Office or clinic | percent:74% | |
:Federally-qualified community health center (FQHC) | percent:11% | |
:Hospital (not emergency department) | percent:4% | |
:Hospital emergency department | percent:3% | |
:Urgent care facility | percent:4% | |
:Institutional residential facility | percent:2% | |
:Other | percent:2% | |
:Please indicate all specialties of physicians working at your primary location, including yourself (Base for percentages: 32,531) | ||
:Family medicine | percent:98% | |
:General internal medicine | percent:31% | |
:Other specialties | percent:25% | |
:Pediatrics | percent:23% | |
:Obstetrics/gynecology | percent:17% | |
:Emergency medicine | percent:12% | |
Source: American Academy of Family Physicians Member Census, December 31, 2020