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  • Questions About Knowledge Self-Assessments (KSAs)

    What is a KSA?

    KSA stands for Knowledge Self-Assessment, is designed by the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) and is comprised of 60 questions designed to assess knowledge in a particular domain.

    What is a KSA Study Group?

    Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA) Study Groups are activities where learners come together to complete the KSA by working through 60 core competency questions. Learners work together to assess, review, and decide the best answer as a group. For more information on facilitating KSA Study Groups and becoming an ABFM-approved to offer a KSA Study Group, please contact the ABFM directly at (888) 995-5700 or by emailing help@theabfm.org.

    How do learners earn CME credit for their participation in a KSA Study Group?

    Organizations approved by the ABFM to host KSA Study Groups may apply for live CME credit through the AAFP Credit System by submitting an application online. KSA Study Group activities must have a future date in order to submit an application for live CME credit. Upon approval, the AAFP Credit System awards 8 AAFP Prescribed credits to KSA Study Group activities. 

    The CME provider organization must enter the AAFP application ID number and corresponding session number (e.g. 12345-1) in the ABFM portal on the KSA Study Group session page for the credit to be properly recorded as live. You can go to your AAFP application Activity Summary page to find your activity and session number for your KSA Study Group activity.

    Which application option is appropriate for my KSA Study Group activity?

    KSAs may be submitted on either a Simple or Advanced application based on how it is offered. 

    Simple pathway:

    • A single KSA activity offered only once, in one location, and not part of a series

    Advanced pathway:

    • A single live activity in conjunction with a KSA Study Group activity
    • One KSA activity delivered at multiple locations or on multiple dates over a year

    As a reminder, KSA Study Group activities must have a future date in order to submit an application for live CME credit to the AAFP Credit System.

    Who reports CME credit to the AAFP?

    The ABFM will automatically transmit CME credits earned to the AAFP for each participant once all requirements have been satisfied through the ABFM. Remember, the CME provider organization must enter the AAFP application and session ID number in the ABFM’s system on the KSA Study Group session page for the KSA credit to report as 8 live AAFP Prescribed credits.

    Why is the KSA credit showing up as 8 enduring AAFP Prescribed credits?

    This happens if the CME provider organization didn’t include the AAFP application and session ID number and city and state of the live KSA when they created the KSA Study Group activity in the ABFM system. Another reason is the activity was registered in the ABFM’s system and an AAFP live CME credit application was not submitted. 

    Whom may we contact if we have further questions?

    For any questions about submitting an application for CME credit, please contact the AAFP Credit System at cmecredit@aafp.org, or by phone at (800) 274-2237. For any questions on administering a KSA Study Group activity or submitting KSA Study Group data, please contact the ABFM directly at help@theabfm.org, or by phone at (888) 995-5700.