July 31–Aug 2, 2025
The National Conference for The FUTURE of Family Medicine
Each year the FUTURE (formerly National Conference) poster competition gives attendees a venue to share innovative and effective educational programs and showcase unique community projects. This opportunity stimulates research among medical students and residents and encourages networking with those who share similar interests.
In 2025, 50 entries will be selected for display. Of those, the top 12 Research poster authors will be invited to give a brief oral presentation onsite for peer review.
April 1, 2025 – Application deadline
June 3, 2025 – Notification to applicants
July 31–August 2, 2025 – FUTURE
Download the following PDF files.
The required online application must be completed and submitted to the AAFP by 11:59 pm CT on April 1, 2025. An abstract of the poster and an art file must accompany the application. The primary author must also submit a verification letter from their institution to validate their expected graduation date. See the Instructions for Submission section for details. Incomplete or ineligible applications will not be considered. Applicants will be notified on June 3.
The submitter must be considered the primary author and must be the person to present onsite, if selected. They must also be:
Not a member? Join now. New or lapsed memberships may take one week to process. Please plan accordingly, as late applications will not be accepted.
Applicants must include all information outlined for each category below — five-page maximum, excluding the Reference page for Clinical Inquiry entries. Please bold each section header in your abstract for easier reading.
Research (See example)
Clinical Inquiry (See example)
Community Project and Educational Program (See example)
Poster judging is a two-tier process.
1. First-Round Judging
2. Onsite Poster Presentation (Research only)
Posters will be printed by the AAFP and displayed on easels in a designated area at FUTURE. The top 12 Research poster authors will be invited to give a brief oral presentation onsite for peer review.
The 38 display-only poster authors will be invited to participate in an optional 45-minute staffing opportunity in the afternoon on Friday, August 1.