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Tobacco & Nicotine Prevention 

Evidence-based resources to support tobacco cessation

Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States, making tobacco and smoking prevention, cessation, and policy issues a top public health priority.

The landscape of tobacco use is changing. Even as rates of combustible cigarette use continue to decline, a new public health crisis is emerging in the form of vaping and e-cigarette use – particularly among youth and adolescents. As the front-line of primary care, you're uniquely positioned and well-equipped to prevent tobacco use, including e-cigarettes, and help patients who want to quit. 

Surgeon General Releases New Report Documenting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Tobacco Use

Read the key findings of the new report and find out what you can do to put an end to tobacco consumption disparities, further eliminating use of tobacco products.

AAFP Resources

Science & Education

Evidence-based knowledge and education, including AAFP clinical recommendations and policy statements, position papers, and educational resources.

Treatment & Cessation

Access physician resources designed to decrease tobacco use and increase cessation success rates in your patients and community.

Tools & Resources 

Tools and resources to support patient care strategies, including toolkits, coding and payment information, and patient education.  


Information on local, state, and national tobacco control advocacy efforts, including the latest on AAFP advocacy efforts.

AAFP Programs

Ask and Act

Learn how to ask patients about tobacco use, then act to help them quit with help from a variety of evidence-based tobacco cessation resources.

Tar Wars

As of May 31, 2024, the Tar Wars program is no longer being updated. You can still find resources designed to teach kids to live tobacco-free on our Tobacco Cessation Tools & Resources page.

Office Champions: A Systems Change Approach

Access practical strategies for making system changes to your practice to improve tobacco cessation success rates.

This initiative is supported in part by a grant from the AAFP Foundation.