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  • Step 4: Measure Your Success

    A measurement strategy will clearly outline your practice’s approach. It will also provide your team with an understanding of where the data comes from, how the measures are calculated, and how often data is collected. The strategy will include the practice’s goal for a particular set of measures. By collecting and displaying data over time, your practice will be able to determine when goals are achieved and gain insight into how specific practice improvements may or may not impact your goals. Although you will want to perform small, frequent checks during the intervention cycle until you feel the change is making an improvement, you should also choose a time to conduct a more formal re-measurement, using the same criteria as your baseline. After implementation and testing, you will want an instrument to measure and analyze your successes.

    Feel free to utilize the data collection form. You will need to download the form and answer the questions with specific information for each patient. Data from these forms will help you measure your success and determine your practice’s chart review results.