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  • Vaccines 4 Teens

    The Vaccinations 4 Teens customizable resources can help you, your care teams and office staff educate parents/guardians and teen patients on the four recommended immunizations for adolescents: meningococcal disease (MenACWY), human papillomavirus (HPV), tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap), and flu.

    These materials include educational videos, question and answer examples for patient and parent conversations, a fact sheet, reminder emails, letters, texts, and postcards, schedule reminders, and website and social media content.

    Materials for Office Staff

    These materials are intended to help remind office staff about the need to discuss vaccination during teen visits and provides suggestions on how to respond to questions from parents/guardians and patients.

    Materials for Patients and Parents/Guardians

    These materials are to be used to remind parents/guardians and teen patients through various channels about scheduling immunization appointments and to educate them on the importance of vaccination.