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  • Social Determinants of Health

    There are many factors that affect health outcomes in your community.  These factors create barriers for patients of all ages to receive the appropriate health care, leading to health issues aggrevated by surrounding conditions, higher rates of disease and complications, and comorbidities that require additional medical attention.

    It's a significant problem for all health care providers, but as community advocates, family physicians can play an important role in understanding patient situations and needs, and offering the right kind of support to those struggling patients.  

    Access to Care

    Find information to help your patients understand the changing health care landscape so they can make coverage decisions.

    Environmental Health and Climate Change

    Find information on diagnosing and treating diseases that result from the impact of climate change and poor environmental conditions.

    AAFP Policies on Health Equity

    Find informationto help advocate for health equity in your community, state and nation.

    AAFP Health Equity Fellowship

    Find information on the 2020-2021 program, which recruits subject matter experts in social, institutional, and cultural influences that impact health.

    Cultural Proficiency

    Find information on caring for patients in cross-cultural settings to provide a better patient experience.

    The AAFP's EveryONE Project

    Find information to advocate for health equity, promote workforce diversity, and collaborate with other disciplines and organizations to advance health equity.

    Early Childhood Literacy

    Find information on how to talk with parents and caregivers about the benefits of reading.

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury

    Find information on diagnosing and treating returning service members with health conditions like PTSD and TBI.


    To view all  relevant resources, search "social determinants of health" on our web site.