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  • 2016 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking Our Peer Reviewers for 2016

    JAY SIWEK, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    We are indebted to the following peer reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise to improving our review articles. Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for AFP.1

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit our Reviewers' Guide (http://www.aafp.org/journals/afp/reviewers/guide.html) and complete a reviewer profile, or e-mail us at afpjournal@aafp.org.  To assist reviewers, we have created an online Reviewers' Guide and developed a set of resources. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has authorized continuing medical education credit for members who serve as peer reviewers for AFP. More information can be found on the AAFP "Report CME Activities" page, by clicking on the "Scholarly Activity" link under the "Report Self-Directed Learning Activities" heading.

    An archive of previous lists of reviewers is available.

    Editor's note: Dr. Siwek is editor of AFP.


    1. Siwek J. Acknowledging and thanking our peer reviewers. Am Fam Physician. 2016;93(7):544-545.

    Scott Aaronson, MD
    Sondos Al Sad, MD, MPH*
    Karen Albright, DO, MPH
    William Alto, MD, MPH
    Andrew Ambrosy, MD
    Shilpa Amin, MD, MBsc
    Bryan Anderson, MD
    William Anderson, III, MD
    Michael Arnold, MD
    I. Cori Baill, MD, NCMP, FACOG
    Peter Baker, II, MD
    Anna Banerji, MD, MPH
    Blair Becker, MD
    Rodolfo Begue, MD
    Rajib Bhattacharya, MD
    Matt Bianchi, MD, PhD
    Kenneth Bielak, MD
    Mark Bolland, PhD
    Susan Braithwaite, MD*
    Danielle Brandman, MD, MAS
    Glenn Braunstein, MD
    Timothy Brown, MD
    Christopher Bunt, MD*
    Erwin Cabacungan, MD, MPH
    James Calvert, MD
    Sarah Cartwright, MD
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD*
    Sulabha Chaganaboyana, MD, MS
    Prabjot Channa, MD
    Arjun Chatterjee, MD, MS
    Alan Cheng, MD
    Marc Childress, MD*
    Lubna Choudhury, MD
    Kari Clouse, MD
    Katherine Cocker, DO
    Ronald Cohen, MD
    Robert Cole, MD
    Mary Coleman, MD, PhD
    Nereida Correa, MD, MPH
    Paul Crawford, MD
    Joshua Dahlke, MD
    Keri Denay, MD
    Craig Derkay, MD
    Mark Deutchman, MD
    Gretchen Dickson, MD, MBA
    Amy DiPlacido, MD
    James Distelhorst, MD*
    Kathleen Dooling, MD
    Lee Dresang, MD
    Leigh Eck, MD
    Fadya El Rayess, MD, MPH
    Robert Ellis, MD
    John Ely, MD*
    Sean Engel, MD
    Kehinde Eniola, MD
    Deborah Erlich, MD, MMedEd
    Mitchell Faddis, MD, PhD
    Henry Feder, Jr, MD
    Stephanie Fenwick, PharmD
    Marc Franzos, MD, MPH
    Andrew Freeman, MD
    Bishara Freij, MD
    Sandra Friedman, MD, MPH
    Douglas Fullen, MD
    Sim Galazka, MD
    Vasiliki Georgiopoulou, MD, MPH, PhD
    Pooja Ghatalia, MDR*
    Clark Gillett, Jr, MD
    Darren Gitelman, MD
    Deborah Glassman, MD
    Ronald Goldschmidt, MD
    David Goldstein, MD
    Margaret Gourlay, MD
    Susan Gromacki, OD, MS

    Shanin Gross, DO
    Rajesh Gupta, MD
    Cynthia Hall, MD
    Scott Hall, MD
    John Handelsman, MD
    Yael Harris MD, PhD
    Matthew Hawks, MD
    Traci Hedrick, MD
    Stephen Helms, MD
    Joel Herness, MD
    David Hill, MD
    Laura Hirshbein, MD, PhD
    Cyrus Hsia, MD
    Matilde Iorizzo, MD, PhD
    Michael Irwig, MD
    Saif Islam, MD
    Michael Johns, III, MD
    Howard Julien, MD, MPH
    Leila Kahwati, MD, MPH*
    Robin Kamal, MD
    Siddharth Kapoor, MD
    Michael Kavan, PhD
    Chris Keenan, MD, MPH
    John Keenan, MD
    Amor Khachemoune, MD
    Muneeza Khan, MD
    Joe Kingery, DO, CPE
    Stephen Kishner, MD
    David Klein, MD, MPH
    Benjamin Kligler, MD, MPH
    Mark Knouse, MD
    Peter Kouides, MD
    Megan Krause, MD
    Thomas Kriley, MD
    Bryan Kumiga, DO
    Jennifer Lai, MD
    Philip Lammers, MD, MSCI
    Matthew Lammi, MD
    Bobby Lanier, MD*
    Jeffrey Lanier, MD
    Anne Laumann, MBChB
    Judith Lieu, MD, MSPH
    Brian Lin, MD
    A. Lockhart, MD
    Mahmoud Loghman-Adham, MD
    Richard Lucidi, MD, FACOG
    Michael Lyerly, MD
    Tenessa MacKenzie, MD
    Paula Mackrides, DO
    Adriel Malave, MD
    Prabhjot Manes, MD
    Emily Manlove, MD
    Michael Marino, MD
    Janelle Marra, DO
    Kara Mayes, MD
    Sunil Menawat, MD
    Dan Merenstein, MD
    John Messmer, MD
    Michael Moore, MD
    Elie Mulhem, MD
    Herbert Muncie, Jr, MD
    Louisa Murdin, MSc, BMBCh
    Najib Murr, MD
    Lila Nachtigall, MD
    Ajay Nangia, MD
    Arwa Nasir, MD*
    Shawna Nesbitt, MD
    Jason Ng, MD
    Van Nguyen, DO
    John Nicklas, MD
    Kimihiko Oishi, MD
    Juhi Pandey, PhD
    Joseph Pappachan, MD
    Sravanthi Parasa, MBBS

    Patricia Parker, PhD
    Francisco Pasquel, MD, MPH
    Andrew Pasternak, MD
    Jeetendra Patel, MD
    Mahesh Patel, MD*
    Dale Patterson, MD, FAAFP
    James Phalen, MD
    Pedro Piedra, MD
    Paul Pisarik, MD, MPH
    Donald Pompan, MD
    Jennifer Potter, MD
    Dianna Puhr, MD
    Peter Rabinowitz, MD
    Lee Radosh, MD
    Anita Rajasekhar, MD*
    Kalyanakrishnan Ramakrishnan, MD
    Jennifer Rasanathan, MD , MPH
    Sumana Reddy, MD, FAAFP
    Gail Reid, MD
    Tony Reiman, MD
    Lucas Restrepo, MD, PhD
    Sirimon Reutrakul, MD
    Karl Rew, MD
    Holly Richter, PhD, MD
    Carlos Rodriguez, MD*
    Alan Rogol, MD
    Joseph Rosenthal, MD
    Aaron Saguil, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Margot Savoy, MD
    Jill Schneiderhan, MD
    Jarrett Sell, MD
    Peter Selwyn, MD
    Kamaljit Sethi, MD
    Donald Shenenberger, MD, FAAD, FAAFP
    Kanade Shinkai, MD
    Daniel Shoskes, MD
    Jay Shubrook, DO
    Brent Simmons, MD, FAAFP
    Paul Simmons, MDB*
    Stephen Simons, MD
    Armine Smith, MD
    Vincent Smith, MD
    Matthew Snyder, DO
    Jeremy Sperling, MD
    James Stevermer, MD
    Joshua Storey, DO*
    Phillip Strawbridge, MD
    Jason Stull, VMD, MPVM, PhD
    Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH*
    Eliza Sutton, MD
    Heidi Swygard, MD
    James Talmage, MD
    Tina Tan, MD
    Manish Tiwari, MD, PhD, MPH
    Brett Toresdahl, MD
    Hung Fu Tseng, PhD, MPH
    Kate Ulbricht, PharmD
    Richard Usatine, MD
    Belinda Vail, MD
    Shruti Varadarajan, MD
    Anthony Viera, MD
    Jose Villalon-Gomez, MD, MPH
    Richard Waguespack, MD*
    Sean Waldron, MD
    Joshua Willey, MD, MS
    David Winchester, MD*
    Cezary Wojcik, MD, PhD*
    Camilla Wong, MD
    Timothy Wong, MD, MS
    Johnnie Yates, MD
    D Kishore Yellumahanthi, MD
    Benjamin Zaniello, MD*

    * Person completed more than one review in 2016.