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  • 2017 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2017

    Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    This year it is my pleasure to acknowledge the hard work of our peer reviewers in improving American Family Physician's (AFP’s) review articles. We recognize that these reviewers have volunteered their time and shared important expertise. Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for the journal.1

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please complete a reviewer profile, or e-mail us at afpjournal@aafp.org. To assist reviewers, we have created an online Reviewers' Guide and developed a set of resources. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has authorized Continuing Medical Education credit for members who serve as peer reviewers for AFP. More information is available on the AAFP "Report CME Activities" web site by clicking on the "Scholarly Activity" link under the "Report Self-Directed Learning Activities" heading.

    An archive of reviewers for previous years is available.

    Editor's note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

    Adrienne Ables, PharmD
    Sondos Al Sad, MD, MPH
    Stewart Albert, MD
    Shilpa Amin, MD, MBsc
    Eric Anderson, MD
    Jack Anon, MD
    Barbara Apgar, MD
    Carlos Arango, MD
    Adnan Arseven, MD
    James Bailey, MD
    Courtney Barnes, MPH, MD
    Tyler Barreto, MD
    Blair Becker, MD
    Subhash Bhatia, MD
    Frances Biagioli, MD
    Wendy Biggs, MD
    Marius Birlea, MD
    Adam Bolour, MD*
    Emily Borman-Shoap, MD
    J. Wesley Boyd, MD, PhD
    Patrick Brady, MD
    Susan Braithwaite, MD
    Josh Broghammer, MD
    Marie Brown, MD
    Kim Bullock, MD
    William Burke, MD
    Craig Burkhart, MD
    Elisabeth Carr, MD
    Sarah Cartwright, MD*
    Catherine Casey, MD
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD
    Mustafa Çelik, MD
    Rachel Chamberlain, MD*
    Jennifer G. Chang, MD
    Kristy Charles, MD
    Richard Chefetz, MD
    Anna Chien, MD
    Kelvin Chou, MD
    Saleem Chowdhry, MD
    Molly Clark, PhD
    Sarah Cole, DO*
    Costanza Colombi, PhD
    Christine Conageski, MD
    Nereida Correa, MD, MPH*
    James Cummings, MD
    Michael Daines, MD
    Ian de Boer, MD, MS
    Mervyn Deitel, MD
    Mark Deutchman, MD
    James Diaz, MD
    Amy DiPlacido, MD
    Christopher Discolo, MD
    Mark A. Dixon, PhD*
    Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS
    Douglas Drossman, MD
    Douglas Dudewicz, MD
    Leigh Eck, MD*
    David Eibling, MD
    Abdul El Kadri, MD
    John Ely, MD
    Kehinde Eniola, MD,MPH
    Deborah Erlich, MD, MMedEd
    Nathan Falk, MD
    Timothy Farrell, MD
    Henry Feder, Jr, MD
    Jamie Feldman, MD, PhD
    Frederick Fisher, MD
    Andrew Freeman, MD
    Peter Gerbino, MD*
    Pooja Ghatalia, MD*
    Anand Gourishankar, MD, MRCP
    Manish Goyal, MD
    Aaron Greenblatt, MD
    Shamai Grossman, MD
    Abhishek Gulati, MD
    Scott Hall, MD
    Jamika Hallman-Cooper, MD
    Keith Hansen, MD
    Stephen Helms, MD
    Garry Ho, MD
    Michael Irwig, MD
    Rui Yang Jiang, MD
    Beverly Johnson, MD
    Kimberly Jones, MD
    Monica Kalra, DO
    Shathabish Kariyanna, MD, MPH
    Priya Kathpalia, MD
    Amandeep Kaur, MD
    Michael Kavan, PhD
    John Keenan, MD
    Cassandra Kelleher, MD
    Scott Kinkade, MD, MSPH
    David Klein, MD, MPH
    Jonathan Kline, PharmD
    Charles Kodner, MD
    Robert Langan, MD*
    Bobby Lanier, MD
    James T. Li, MD, PhD
    Lawrence Liebscher, MD
    Tammy Lindsay, MD
    Sean Lucan, MD, MPH
    Naim Maalouf, MD
    Paula Mackrides, DO
    Sohil Makwana, MD, MPH
    John Malaty, MD
    Arthur Mandelin, MD
    Rachel Mason, MD
    Kara Mayes, MD
    Mary McCaffree, MD
    Peter McNally DO
    Sunil Menawat, MD
    Michael Moore, MD
    Laura Morgan, PharmD
    Timothy Mott, MD
    Najib Murr, MD*
    Jonathan Murrow, MD
    Lila Nachtigall, MD
    Arwa Nasir, MD
    Steven Neufeld, MD
    David Norris, MD
    Benjamin Nwosu, MD
    Albert Osbahr, MD
    Diane Pappas, MD
    Shivajirao Patil, MD, MPH
    Dale Patterson, MD
    Anu Paul, MBBS*
    James Phalen, MD*
    Douglas Phelan, DO
    Heather Pickett, DO
    Harold Pillsbury, MD
    Karly Pippitt, MD*
    Donald Pompan, MD*
    Stephen Pribut, DPM
    Kevin Proud, MD
    Alkis Psaltis, MBBS
    Talkad Raghuveer, MD
    Anita Rajasekhar, MD
    Stephen Reich, MD
    Gail Reid, MD
    Tony Reiman, MD
    Karl Rew, MD
    David Ring, MD, PhD
    David Robbins, MD
    Vivek Roy, MD
    Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar, MD
    Brooke Salzman, MD
    Jarrett Sell, MD
    Peter Selwyn, MD
    James Sferra, MD
    Alan Shahtaji, DO
    Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH
    Ramsey Shehab, MD
    Donald Shenenberger, MD*
    Mohamad Sidani, MD
    Hugh Silk, MD, MPH
    Paul Simmons, MD
    Prabhsimranjot Singh, MD*
    Rebecca Small, MD
    Armine Smith, MD*
    Dustin Smith, DO
    Emily Smith, MD
    Matthew Snyder, DO
    Jack Sobel, MD
    Jeremy Sperling, MD
    Joshua Storey, DO
    Phillip Strawbridge, MD*
    Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH
    Eliza Sutton, MD
    Victoria Tang, MD
    Jeanette Tetrault, MD, FACP
    Alan Thong, MD, MPH*
    Jeffrey Tingen, PharmD, MBA*
    Koichi Tsunoda, MD, PhD
    Danielle Turgeon, MD
    Raj Vuppalanchi, MBBS
    Richard Waguespack, MD*
    Michael Weaver, MD
    Erin Westfall, DO
    John White II, MD
    Joshua Willey, MD, MS
    Janet Williams, MD
    Catherine Witkop, MD, MPH
    Myron Yencha, MD*

    * Person completed more than one review in 2017.