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  • 2019 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2019

    Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for the journal, and we are very appreciative of the work reviewers do in helping us develop sound content for AFP. In addition to recognizing peer reviewers for volunteering their time, we are also highlighting reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided to AFP authors and editors (listed in bold). An archive of past AFP peer reviewers is available. The number of bolded reviewers for 2019 is already higher than 2018. My hope is to continually improve our processes, enrich the skills of our current and future reviewers, and highlight more exceptional reviewers year after year.

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit the Reviewers' Guide and complete a reviewer profile, or email us at For new reviewers, we highly recommend that you find a mentor for your first review.

    Editor's note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

    Aneesa Afroze, MD
    Anubhav Agarwal, MD
    Faraz Ahmad MD, MPH
    Kurt Angstman MD, MS
    John Anthony, MD
    Samrana Arefeen, MD
    James Arnold, DO
    Richel Avery, MD
    Joseph Aziz, MbChB
    James Bailey, MD
    I. Cori Baill, MD*
    David Bamberger, MD

    Courtney Barnes, MPH, MD
    Tyler Barreto, MD
    Nathan Bass, MD, PhD*

    Eric Beaver, MD
    Amanda Bell, MD
    Catherine Bettcher, MD
    Subhash Bhatia, MD, MB, BS
    Laura Blinkhorn, MD
    Kristin Bond, MD
    Paul Bornemann, MD
    Danielle Brandman, MD
    Glenn Braunstein, MD
    Robert Brodell, MD
    William Burke, MD
    Rachel Carter, MD
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD*
    Kristy Charles, MD*
    Andy Chern, MD, MPH
    Sean Christensen, MD, PhD
    Gary Clark, MD, MPH
    Paul Crawford, MD
    James Cummings, MD
    William Dalrymple, MD
    Amanda Davis, MD
    Karlotta Davis, MD
    Ian de Boer, MD, MS
    Walter Dehority, MD, MSc
    Kristi DeSapri, MD*

    Daniel DiCola, MD
    Mark Dixon, PhD
    Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA
    Douglas Dudewicz, MD

    Scott Duncan, MD
    Jaclyn Duvall, MD
    Robert Egerman, MD
    Timothy Elgin, DO
    Robert Ellis, MD
    John Ely, MD
    Kehinde Eniola, MD, MPH
    Ted Epperly, MD
    Deborah Erlich, MD*
    Irina Erlikh, MD
    Nathan Falk, MD
    Matthew Fargo, MD, MPH
    Henry Feder, Jr., MD
    Thomas Fekete, MD
    Jamie Feldman, MD, PhD
    Steven Feldman, MD, PhD
    Stephanie Fenwick, PharmD

    Heather Finlay-Morreale, MD
    Jonathon Firnhaber, MD*
    Brian Ford, MD
    Daniel Frasca, DO
    Bishara Freij, MD*
    Christian Fuchs, MD

    John Galgiani ,MD
    Jinal Gangar, MD,MPH
    Kathryn Garner, MD*
    Barry Gentry, MD
    Peter Gerbino, MD*
    R. Clark Gillett, Jr., MD
    Deborah Glassman, MD
    Stephen Gluckman, MD
    Matthew Goldman, MD
    Ronald Goldschmidt, MD
    William Graf, MD
    Ignazio Grattagliano, MD*
    David Greenhalgh, MD
    Susan Gromacki, OD, MS
    John Handelsman, MD
    Alastair Hay, MD, MBChb
    R. Ann Hays, MD
    Joel Heidelbaugh, MD
    Stephen Helms, MD*
    Joel Herness, MD

    Sabrina Hofmeister, DO
    Gretchen Homan, MD
    Jocelyn Hu, MD
    Grace Huffman, MD
    Alison Huffstetler, MD

    Patrick Jenkins, MD
    Jeremy Johnson, MD, MPH*
    David Kassop, MD
    Priya Kathpalia, MD*
    Michael Kavan, PhD
    Alexander Kaysin, MD, MPH

    John Keenan, MD
    Robert Kelly, MD, MS
    Muneeza Khan, MD
    Jonathan Kline, PharmD
    Peter Kouides, MD

    Anand Kumthekar, MD
    Angela Kuznia, MD
    Ronald Labuguen, MD

    Charlene Lam, MD, MPH
    Bobby Lanier, MD
    Kelly Latimer, MD, MPH
    Mary Leppert, MB
    Jordyn Lerner, MD
    Jaime Lewis, MD
    James T. Li, MD, PhD
    Gerald Liu, MD
    Elizabeth Livingston, MD
    Emillia Lloyd, MD
    Amy Locke, MD
    Mahmoud Loghman-Adham, MD

    Ryan Loyd, MD
    Sean Lucan, MD, MPH
    Adam Lyons, MD
    John Maa, MD
    Paula Mackrides, DO*

    Vishal Mandge MD, MPH
    Raymond Martin, MD
    Diego Maselli, MD
    Kara Mayes, MD
    Todd McDiarmid, MD
    Anna Moreno, DO*
    Fernando Moreno, MD*

    Laura Morgan, PharmD
    Timothy Mott, MD
    Eddie Needham, MD
    Brad Neville, DDS

    Bernard Noveloso, MD*
    Robert Oh, MD, MPH
    Percival Pangilinan, MD*
    Diane Pappas, MD
    Bumsoo Park, MD
    Chinmay Patel, MD
    Dale Patterson, MD
    Mellisa Pensa, MD, MPH
    Jay Peters, MD
    James Phalen, MD

    Douglas Phelan, DO
    Heather Pickett, DOD
    Donald Pompan, MD*
    Amy Price Neff, MD
    William Primack, MD
    Kevin Proud, MD
    Natasha Pyzocha, DO
    Jeffrey Quinlan, MD
    Anita Rajasekhar, MD
    David Randall, MD*
    Andrea Rapkin, MD
    Arthur Rawlings,MD
    Brian Reamy, MD
    David Rebedew, MD
    Karl Rew, MD

    Sheryl Rimrodt, MD
    Joyce Robert, MD
    Carlos Rodriguez, MD
    Raquel Rodriguez Martinez, MD
    Frank Romanelli PharmD, MPH
    Kristian Sanchack, MD
    Samuel Sandowski, MD
    Sarina Schrager, MD, MS

    Russell Searight, PhD, MPH
    Jarrett Sell, MD
    Trushil Shah, MD, MSc
    Jay Shubrook, DO
    Eric Siegal, MD
    Hugh Silk, MD, MPH

    Debra Simmons, MD, MS
    Paul Simmons, MD
    David Simon, MD, FACS
    Katherine Snyder, MD
    Matthew Snyder, DO

    Samuel Solish, MD
    Jeremy Sperling, MD
    Natasha Sriraman, MD, MPH
    Yazhini Srivathsal, MD, MBA
    Phillip Strawbridge, MD
    Grant Studebaker, MD
    Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH*
    Donna Sweet, MD
    Jillian Sylvester, MD*
    Nauman Tariq, MBBS
    Paul Tatum, MD, MSPH
    Jay Thakkar, MD

    Micah Thorp, DO, MPH
    Nathan Tofteland, MD
    Thomas Trojian, MD
    Sarah Verbiest, DrPH, MPH, MSW
    Richard Waguespack ,MD
    Steven Wahls, MD
    Christopher Warner, MD
    Stephen Warnick, Jr., MD
    Terri Warren, RN, ANP
    Amy Wasserman, MD
    Michael Weaver, MD
    John Wilkinson, MD
    Joshua Willey, MD, MS
    Pamela Williams, MD

    Tracy Williams, MD
    George Wilson, MD
    David Winchester, MD
    Bradford Winslow, MD
    Jennifer Wipperman, MD, MPH*
    Jason Womack, MD
    Kelly Wood, MD
    Noah Wouk, MD
    Hanna Xu, MD
    Johnnie Yates, MD
    Nicole Yedlinsky ,MD*
    Benjamin Zaniello, MD
    Timothy Zeller, MD
    Bill Zepf, MD

    * Person completed more than one review in 2019.
    Names listed in bold indicate reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided.