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  • 2021 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2021

    Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for the journal, and we are very appreciative of the work reviewers do in helping us develop sound content for AFP. In addition to recognizing peer reviewers for volunteering their time, we continue to highlight reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided to AFP authors and editors (listed in bold). An archive of past AFP peer reviewers is available. My hope is to continually improve our processes, enrich the skills of our current and future reviewers, and highlight more exceptional reviewers year after year.

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit the Reviewers' Guide and complete a reviewer profile, or email us at afpjournal@aafp.org. For new reviewers, we highly recommend that you find a mentor for your first review. Please let us know if you are interested in mentoring others in the peer review process.

    Editor's note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

    Tom Ala, MD
    Amir Alakaam, PhD, MS, RDN, LN, MBChB
    Sommer Aldulaimi, MD
    Claudia Worrell Allen, PhD, JD
    Gowri Anandarajah, MD
    Kurt B. Angstman, MD, MS
    John Anthony, MD
    AnnGene Anthony, MD, MPH
    Puneet Aulakh, MD
    James Bailey, MD
    Bryce Alden Baird, MD
    David Bamberger, MD
    Stacie Barkin, PsyD
    Ellen Beck, MD
    Jonathan Adam Becker, MD
    Subrat Behera, MD
    Christina R. Bellinger, MD*
    Wendy S. Biggs, MD
    Laura M. Blinkhorn, MD*
    Jessica Blower, MD
    Azra Borogovac, MD
    Lawrence H. Brent, MD
    John L. Brusch, MD
    Erwin Tolentino Cabacungan, MD, MPH
    Sarah Cappleman Shekailo, MD
    Rebecca Caro, DO, FAAFP
    Michael Carr, MD*
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD
    Partha Sarathi Chakraborty, MD
    Paul J. Clark, PhD, MBBS (Hons I), MPH&TM, FRACP
    Kofi Clarke, MD, FACP, FRCP, AGAF
    Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD
    Andrew Copland, MD
    Ashtaad Dalal, MD
    Sushila Dalal, MD
    Beth A. Damitz, MD
    Srinivas Dannaram, MD
    Walter Dehority, MD, MSc
    Kristi Tough DeSapri, MD
    Sorabh Dhar, MD
    John M. Diamond, MD
    Mark A. Dixon, PhD
    Tina Dumont, MD, PhD
    Jaclyn R. Duvall, MD*

    Yazan Duwayri, MD
    Sara Elsayed, MD
    Jill J. Endres, MD, MS
    Richard Ericson, MD, FACC
    Deborah R. Erlich, MD, MMedEd*
    Timothy Farrell, MD
    Edward R. Feller, MD*

    Keith Fernandez, MD
    Oladunni Temitope Filani, MD
    Jason C. Fisher, MD
    Melanie A. Fisher, MD, MACP, MSc
    Randy M. Foss, MD
    Pooja French, MD
    N. Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH, MBBS, FRACP
    Kriti D. Gandhi, MD*
    Shravan Kumar Reddy Gangula, MD
    Kawish Garg, MD
    Richard Anthony Giovane, MD*
    Deborah Glassman, MD
    Wallace A. Gleason Jr., MD
    Vasco G.F. Goncalves, MD
    Angela L. Goodhart, PharmD
    Joel Eric Gordon, MD
    Richard Gray, DO
    Kristin Grdinovac, MD

    Cornelia Griggs, MD
    Jonathan Russell Guin, MD
    Zahra Haghighat, MD

    Katherine Rebecca Hall, MD
    Charles Haller, MD
    Jamika Hallman-Cooper, MD

    Brian P. Hanley, PhD
    Justin F. Hayes, MD
    William John Healy, MD
    Stephen Helms, MD
    Joel Herness, MD*
    D. Ashley Hill, MD

    Jordanna Hostler, MD
    Thomas Hougen, MD
    Ryan Hubbard, MD
    Thomas R. Hunt III, MD, DSc
    Khushleen Jaggi, MD
    Kate L. Jansen, PhD

    Brian Johnson, MD
    Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, RD, CDE
    Jami Josefson, MD, MS
    Scott Kahan, MD, MPH
    Rebecca D. Kano, MD*
    Ravi Kant, MD, MBBS
    Anubhav Kanwar, MD*
    Rowan Karaman, MD
    Srikanth Katragadda, MD
    Alexander Kaysin, MD, MPH
    Katie Kerrigan, MD

    Judy Lu Kim, MD
    Robert Kirkcaldy, MD, MPH
    Dana Kissner, MD

    Ruhail Kohli, MBBCh, BAO
    Peter Kouides, MD*
    Erik Seth Kramer, DO, MPH, ABOM
    Jeff C. Leggit, MD
    Maureen M. Leonard, MD, MMSc

    Amanda Kay Lewton, MD
    Julia J. Liu, MD*
    Pamela S. Lotke, MD, MPH
    Hitesh Makkar, MD
    Janelle Marie Marra, DO
    Carol Mathew, MD
    Tiffany Mayo, MD
    William Joseph McCune, MD
    Michael T. McDermott, MD
    John J. Messmer, MD*
    Thomas C. Michels, MD, MPH
    Ronald Peter Miller, MD

    Denee J. Moore, MD
    Richard Anthony Moore II, MD
    Anna Camille J. Moreno, DO
    Fernando Moreno, MD
    Anne Mounsey, MD
    Darlene Moyer, MD
    Herbert L. Muncie Jr., MD
    Malcolm Munro, MD
    Dusty Marie Narducci, MD

    Digvijaya D. Navalkele, MD
    Eddie Needham, MD, FAAFP
    Steven K. Neufeld, MD
    Robert C. Oh, MD, MPH, CAQSM, FAAFP
    Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH
    Ahmed Khurshid Pasha, MD*
    Shivajirao Prakash Patil, MD, MPH, BC-ADM
    Dale Alan Patterson, MD, FAAFP
    Thomas A. Peterman, MD
    Michael S. Phipps, MD, MHS, FAAN
    Donald Pompan, MD
    Charles R. Powell, MD
    Nikki Pritchett, MD

    Jeffrey Duane Quinlan, MD
    Glenda K. Rabe, MD
    Simon S. Rabinowitz, MD, PhD
    Karthik Ragunathan, MD
    Anita Rajasekhar, MD*
    Ehud Rath, MD
    Stephen Reich, MD
    Donald P. Rice Jr., MD*
    David Robbins, MD
    Phillip Rodgers, MD

    Jessica L. Roesser, MD
    Mallika Sabharwal, MD
    Joseph Sakai, MD
    Andrew John Saxon, MD*
    Sarina Schrager, MD, MS
    Jeremy D. Schroeder, DO, CAQSM, ATC

    Tiffany Schwasinger-Schmidt, MD, PhD
    John Paul Seenan, MD
    Sweta Sengupta, MD*
    Dolores Shoback, MD
    Hilary C. Siebens, MD

    Hugh Silk, MD, MPH
    Gagandeep Singh, MD
    Joseph I. Sirven, MD
    Vinu T. Sista, DDS
    Katherine Snyder, MD*
    Ian Soriano, MD
    Scott Strayer, MD, MPH

    Meera Sunder, MD
    Zubair A. Syed, MD, FAAFP
    Jillian Sylvester, MD, CAQSM

    Alan Eih Chih Thong, MD, MPH*
    Ken Tilashalski, DMD
    Christian Alberto Tomaszewski, MD, MS, MBA
    Raymond R. Townsend, MD
    Lauren Turza, MD
    Jeff Unger, MD, FAAFP, FACE
    Belinda A. Vail, MD
    Hendrikus S. Vanderveldt, MD, MBA
    Raghuveer Vedala, MD
    Jose M. Villalon-Gomez, MD, MPH*
    Adam Voelckers, MD
    Jean Wang, MD
    Stephen Warnick Jr., MD*
    Amy Wasserman, MD*
    Andrea K. Westby, MD
    Mark Whealy, MD
    Joshua Z. Willey, MD, MS
    Ashley Paige Williams, MD, FAAFP
    Elizabeth Ashley Williams, DO
    Pamela M. Williams, MD*
    Felasfa M. Wodajo, MD
    Sky Jennifer Wolf, DO, MPH
    Bill Zepf, MD*
    Amanda Zubek, MD, PhD, FAAD

    * Person completed more than one review in 2021.
    Names listed in bold indicate reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided.