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CMS extends some MIPS deadlines

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has made several announcements recently about the Quality Payment Program (QPP). Here are the highlights:

  • CMS reopened applications for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances exception for performance year 2021. The agency has already automatically applied the exception to individual clinicians. But now virtual groups and groups that have already submitted data have until 8 p.m. ET March 31 to apply. Check this page for more details on how to apply. Practices that want to report MIPS data and receive a payment adjustment also have until March 31 to do so. Reporting guidance is available in the 2021 Data Submission User Guide.
  • CMS extended its MIPS measures field testing period to March 25. This gives physicians an additional month to access their field test reports and provide feedback on five cost measures under consideration for use in MIPS. Information on accessing reports is available on the MACRA Feedback Page.
  • CMS updated the “Doctors and Clinicians” section of the Medicare Care Compare page and the Provider Data Catalog to include information for the 2020 QPP performance period. The Medicare Care Compare website allows patients and caregivers to search for and compare physicians and groups that are enrolled in Medicare. The site now includes MIPS final scores, clinicians’ performance in each category, and names of clinicians who participate in an Advanced Alternative Payment Model. Visit the Care Compare: Doctors and Clinicians Initiative page for more information.
  • The Small, Underserved, and Rural Support initiative ended in February. But CMS is launching a newsletter to continue supporting small, underserved, and rural practices that participate in the QPP. You can sign up for the newsletter and find a list of resources on the Small Practices webpage.

The QPP help desk (866-288-8292) is available for questions Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. Customers who are hearing impaired can dial 711 to be connected to a TRS communications assistant. 

— Erin Solis, manager of practice and payment, American Academy of Family Physicians

Posted on March 9, 2022, by Erin Solis

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