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First reporting period for Provider Relief Funds now open

The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) reporting portal is now open for all who need to report the use of funds in Reporting Period 1 (July 1 through Sept. 30). Recipients of one or more payments exceeding $10,000 total during the first payment period are required to report the use of those funds during the current reporting period. Failing to report during the designated timeframe could result in payments being recouped. These requirements apply to PRF general and targeted distributions.

The first step physicians and other providers who received funds should take is to ensure they are registered for the portal. Each provider’s Reporting Entity is responsible for registering and reporting the required information for its tax identification number (TIN) and all subsidiary TINs. Instructions on how to register for a portal account can be found here. Registration takes about 20 minutes and must be completed in one session.

Recipients report on their use of the funds using their normal basis of accounting. Details on the reporting requirements can be found in the “Provider Relief Fund General and Targeted Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements.”

Additional information is available on the PRF Reporting Requirements and Auditing webpage, including data entry worksheets, stakeholder one-pager, toolkit and FAQ. The provider support line (866-569-3522) is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT.

— Erin Solis, Manager, Practice and Payment, American Academy of Family Physicians

Posted on Jul 06, 2021 by Erin Solis

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