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    2000 FPM Past Issues

    January 2000 

    What Lies Ahead?

    Family Practice in 2000: The State of the Art • Predictions • Knowledge and Skills for the New Millennium • The Future and the Foundations of Family Practice • Consumer-Driven Health Care • CPT Changes • Smoking-Cessation Advice • Negotiation Gambits • eHealth Trends • Coding Q&A

    February 2000 

    Scope of Practice

    Are the Edges of Family Practice Being Worn Away? • Is Disintegration the Answer? • Staff Salaries • Strategies for Reducing Medical Errors • Encouraging Same-Day Payment • Answers to Your Coding Questions • Practice Diary • 15 Tips for Managing Time • Innovation and Organization

    March 2000 

    Chronic Illness

    Helping Patients Take Charge of Their Chronic Illnesses • Preventing Malpractice With SOOOAAP • Regrouping After Disintegration • A Model for Successful Rural Practice • ‘Opportunistic’ Prevention • Coding Q&A • Credentialing New Physicians • Solo Practice Diary • Staying Organized

    April 2000 

    Compassion Fatigue

    Overcoming Compassion Fatigue • Transforming an Employed Group • Documentation Self-Audit • Emotionally Distressed Patients • Critical Care Coding • Using Leverage to Negotiate Salary • Finding Internet Health Information • Preventing Burnout

    May 2000 

    Remaking the Practice

    As Good As It Could Get: Remaking the Medical Practice • Practice Building Through Diversity • Precepting Despite the Guidelines • Understanding Treatment Risks • Scope of Practice • Medicare Incentives • Coding Q&A • Assessing Benefits Packages • Grieving a Patient’s Death • Practice Diary

    June 2000 

    House Calls

    House Calls: Taking the Practice to the Patient • Group Visits • The True Value of a Residency Program • Do-It-Yourself EMR System • Flow Sheets for Diabetes Care • Coding Q&A • Better Meetings • Getting Paid for Substitute Care • Practice Diary • eHealth Trends

    July/August 2000 

    Problem Patients

    'Problem Patients': A Fresh Look at an Old Vexation • Universal Coverage • Coding Level-One Office Visits • Capitated Environment • High-Volume Practice • Coding Q&A • Space Rental Fraud Alert • Confidentiality & Nonsolicitation Clauses • Sharing Books With Patients

    September 2000 

    Same-Day Appointments

    Same-Day Appointments: Exploding the Access Paradigm • Updated ICD-9 Reference Card • Implementing a Compensation Plan • Hiring the Right Physician • Palm-Top Computers • Coding and Documentation • Making Diabetes Visits More Productive • The 80/20 Rule • New: Practice Tips

    October 2000 

    Quality Pays

    Making Quality and Service Pay • Tips for Reducing Malpractice Risk • E-Mail Encryption • Patient Appeals • New ICD-9 Coding Tool • Cultural Competence • Coding and Documentation • Interactive Practice Web Sites • Physician Support Groups

    November/December 2000 

    Finding Money

    Panning for Gold: How to Find Money in Your Practice • Making Quality and Service Pay • Finding the Right Job • Discontinuity of Care • How Enforceable Are Restrictive Covenants? • Coding and Documentation • Practice Pearls • Creating the Time of Your Life