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    2002 FPM Past Issues

    January 2002 

    Scheduling Tips

    Tuning Up Your Patient Schedule • Sensitive Treatment of Obese Patients • Cost-Effective Marketing Ideas • Electronic Medical Records Shopping List • Coding Q&A • Race and Preventive Services • New CPT Codes • How to Set Smarter Goals

    February 2002 


    Test Your Coding Skills • Going Solo • Point-of-Care Anticoagulation Management • Results of the FPM Practice Self-Test • Seven Tips for Diagnosis Coding • Patient Handout: Getting Your Prescription Filled • Are You Prepared for Semi-Retirement? • Precepting

    March 2002 

    Referral Process

    Reducing Delays in the Referral Process • Going Solo: One Doc, One Room, One Year Later • How to Recruit a New Graduate • 11 Tips for Better Billing • What You Should Know About Generic Drugs • Coding & Documentation • Practice Diary • Ask FPM • Time Management Tactics

    April 2002 

    Service Excellence

    Building a Mind-Set of Service Excellence • Why We’re in the Mess We’re In • Eight Ideas for Managing Stress and Burnout • How Much Will That EMR Really Cost? • Encounter Form for Better Well-Woman Exams • Coding Q&A • How to Cut Flu Shot Costs • Putting Politeness Into Practice

    May 2002 

    Enjoying Family Practice

    Enjoying Family Practice Despite It All • Coding and Billing Software for Palm-Top Computers • Answers to Your Questions About “Going Solo” • HIPAA Compliance: How to Get an Extension • Coding Q&A • Dealing With Patients Who Don’t Pay • Productivity Primer • Does Health Habit Advice Affect Patient Satisfaction? • Balancing Act

    June 2002 

    Patient Flow

    Strategies for Better Patient Flow and Cycle Time • Creating a More Equitable Call Schedule • Is Your Practice Minority-Friendly? • Two New Medicare Reimbursement Opportunities • Coding Q&A • Two-Way Radios for Intra-Office Communication • Practice Diary • Security Software for Hand-Helds • A Dose of Levity

    July/August 2002 

    Preventing Errors

    Preventing Errors in Your Practice • Four Principles for Better Test-Result Tracking • Rx Writing to Maximize Patient Safety • Reducing Patients’ Warfarin Risks • Analyzing Your E/M Coding Patterns • Patient Handout: How to Help Prevent Errors • Coding Q&A • When Medical Errors Hit Home

    September 2002 

    Staffing Needs

    How Many Staff Members Do You Need? • Successful Job Sharing Arrangements • Choosing a Practice Facility • How to Use Advance Beneficiary Notices to Boost Medicare Collections • Coding Q&A • Get a Grip on Your Phone Calls • Practice Diary • 12 Tips for Increasing Your Job Satisfaction

    October 2002 

    Liability Insurance

    Understanding the Physician Liability Insurance Crisis • Why I Love My Electronic Medical Record System • 10 Reasons to Be Self-Employed and 10 Ways to Do It • Updated ICD-9 Coding Tool • Using a Protocol for Refills • Coding Q&A • E-Prescribing • Taking Time Out for a Personal Retreat

    November/December 2002

    Prescription Drugs

    How to Help Your Low-Income Patients Get Prescription Drugs • HIPAA Questions and Answers • Giving Feedback Effectively • Preventive Services and Medicare: An Update • How to Manage Patients’ Lists • Coding Q&A • A Primer on Employment Contracts • Coping With Attraction to a Patient?