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    2011 FPM Past Issues

    January/February 2011

    Medicare Preventive Services

    What You Need to Know About the Medicare Preventive Services Expansion • CPT Updates for 2011 • Should Your Practice Participate in a Quality-Reporting Program? • EHR User-Satisfaction Survey • Integrating Behavioral Health Specialists • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • The Efficiencies of Meandering

    March/April 2011 

    Common Coding Mistakes

    Common Coding Mistakes That Are Costing You • Q&A About Medicare Annual Wellness Visits • Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles • A Spreadsheet to Improve Communication and Patient Flow • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • The Hope and the Hype of Health IT

    May/June 2011 

    Chronic Disease Care

    An Organized Approach to Chronic Disease Care • Registries Made Simple • High-Functioning Office Teams • Motivational Interviewing • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • Why I Let My Patients See My Notes • My Favorite Patient of the Day

    July/August 2011 

    EHR Survey

    EHR User Satisfaction Survey • Medicare Annual Wellness Visits • Structure and Synchronicity for Better Charting • Productivity in Employed Practice • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • Signs You May Have Joined the Wrong Practice

    September/October 2011 

    Coding & Documentation Guidelines

    E/M Coding and the Documentation Guidelines • What Family Physicians Need to Know About ACOs • Annual ICD-9 Update • Improving Preventive Care • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • A Life Checkup

    November/December 2011 

    Communicating Bad News 

    Communicating Bad News • Tools to Increase Satisfaction With the Referral Process • Rethinking Your Approach to Prescription "Refills" • Is Your Practice at Risk for Fraud? • Coding & Documentation Q&A • Practice Pearls • A Day in My Practice in 2020