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  • Reproductive health is expansive - and essential. It encompasses topics like menstrual cycles, menstruation and menopause, basic female anatomy, contraception, pregnancy care, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, ending a pregnancy, adoption options, preventive care screenings and more. Family physicians should work with patients in shared decision-making to ensure they have the information they need to live healthy lives.

    Screening Recommendations

    Choosing Wisely is an ABIM Foundation initiative that advances a national dialogue on avoiding unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures

    Pap Smears 

    Pelvic Exam or Physical Exams to Prescribe Oral Contraceptive Medications 

    Screening Pelvic Exams in Asymptomatic Non-pregnant Women 

    Screening for Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Asymptomatic Adults 

    Screening for Cervical Cancer in Women Older Than 65 Years of Age 

    Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) is a cooperative agreement between ACOG and HRSA to develop, review and update recommendations relevant to women’s preventive health services.

    Additional Screening Sources

    Screening Pelvic Exam | AAFP


    AAFP Advocacy Focus: Reproductive Health

    Family physicians provide comprehensive, continuing care to women throughout their lives, including pre- and postnatal care and preventive and wellness care such as mammograms, screenings for cervical cancer, contraceptive advice, and other diagnostic tests. 


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