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Scholarships and Funding Opportunities in Global Health

Securing funds for a global health service trip can be challenging for students and residents. These resources help you take the first step in planning your international medicine trip. The list of resources is not comprehensive, but it provides information about available funding and directs you in your search.

Select a listing for more information:

International Travel Scholarships

Funding for Fellowship and Training Programs

Global Health Scholarships for Students and Residents

Directory of Non-NIH Funding Opportunities – Grants and Fellowships

This directory includes a variety of international grants and fellowships in biomedical and behavioral research. It provides information about additional funding opportunities available to those in the field of global health research.

Yale/Stanford Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholars Program

This program provides opportunities for physician-in-training scholars during their residency and career physician scholars for 6-week rotations overseas. Program sites vary. In previous years they were in Eritrea, Honduras, South Africa, Uganda, and Vietnam.

The Commonwealth Fund Mongan Fellowship in Minority Health Policy

The Commonwealth Fund Mongan Fellowship Program in Minority Health Policy is a one-year, full-time program designed to create physician-leaders who will pursue careers in minority health and health policy.

Association of Schools Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Allan Rosenfield Global Health Fellowship

This fellowship program provides international training opportunities for recent graduates of ASPPH member accredited schools of public health (Master of Public Health and Doctoral level).

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Fellows II Program (GHFP)

GHFP Fellows are recruited for specific positions, working two to four years full time, gaining experience and expertise in global health development. Placements are made both in Washington, DC, and in developing countries.

International Travel Scholarships

Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) International Health Studies Grant Program

Students and resident physician members of the MMS are eligible to apply for grants up to $2,000 to defray the costs of study in another country. The MMS will donate sufficient funds to the Foundation to underwrite five grants annually, although future provisions may be made to invite private or corporate donations to expand the size and/or number of grants. 

Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) Student Section Community Service Grants

Up to $250 of funding is available for current medical student members of the MMS whose projects meet objectives in community and social service, public health activism, and education, or volunteer mentorship activities.

American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Overseas Assistance Grant

The AMWA provides grants up to $1,000 for assistance with transportation costs (airfare, train fare, etc.) connected with pursuing medical studies in an off-campus setting where the medically-neglected benefit.

Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine

This award provides round trip airfare and up to $1,000 toward living expenses for medical students proposing electives in clinical tropical medicine with at least one month at a site endemic for tropical communicable diseases.

Adell & Hancock Fund Scholarships

The Adell & Hancock Fund Scholarships provide supplemental support to U.S. and international students who are in need of additional funds to carry out their international educational plans.

Sara’s Wish Foundation Scholarship

Sara’s Wish offers scholarships for extraordinary young women committed to making the world a better place by defraying the costs associated with traveling to all areas of the globe.

Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships

This award is for outstanding students entering their third year of medical school who have shown leadership in efforts to eliminate inequities in medical education and health care. Awardees will have demonstrated leadership efforts in addressing educational, societal, and health care needs of minorities in the United States.

Funding for Fellowship and Training Programs

Global Health Program for Fellows & and Scholars

The Program supports one year of mentored clinical research training at a site in resource-limited resource and transitional countries. It  Aalso provides a stipend for an international graduate student to work alongside the U.S. trainee during the clinical research year.   


Fulbright Sscholarships for offer international exchange opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.

Infectious Diseases Society of America Medical Scholars Program

These Sscholarships are for medical students with mentorship by an Infectious Diseases Society of America IDSA member or fellow. Scholarship activity must focus on pediatric or adult infectious diseases and may involve either clinical or research activities.

Boren Fellowships

Boren Fellowships Pprovide up to $24,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increase language proficiency. 

Center for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) HealthCorps Fellow Program

CIDRZ HealthCorps Fellow Program is for medical, nursing, or Master of Public Health MPH students who are able to delay their studies for a year; recent graduates who wish to gain international experience; and college graduates with substantial skills or experiences to work in Lusaka, Zambia, for a 10- to 12 month duration.

Child Family Health International Health Scholarships

These Sscholarships to cover Child Family Health International programs, which include: Introduction to Traditional Medicine, India; Cultural Crossroads in Health, Oaxaca, Mexico; and Urban & and Rural Comparative Health in Ecuador. 

Chateaubriand Fellowship Program

Chateaubriand Fellowships are for American MD or PhD students to conduct research in a French laboratory for a six 6 to twelve month period.

Albert Schweitzer Fellowship

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship is for third-year medical students to spend three 3 months working at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambarene, Gabon, on clinical rotations. 

U.S. Schweitzer Fellows Programs

Community Sservice fellowships are for graduate students in health-related professional fields who are dedicated to addressing unmet health needs in their local areas. 

The David E. Rogers Student Fellowship Program

The David E. Rogers Student Fellowship is meant to enrich the educational experiences of medical and dental students through projects that bear on medicine and dentistry as social enterprises. That is, as enterprises devoted to the capacity of these professions in any and all of their expressions to serve human needs, particularly the needs of underserved or disadvantaged patients or populations.

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Student Summer Fellowship

Medical students may apply for either the research fellowship or the service fellowship, which includes a $4,000 stipend for a 10-week period. 

Test: Center for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) HealthCorps Fellow Program

International Health Opportunities Databases and Directories

Find additional opportunities through these online sources: