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Publications of the AAFP NRN

Below is a chronological listing of all AAFP NRN publications.

*Please Note: Registration may be required to view the full text version of some these manuscripts.


Callen EF, Clay TL, Alai J, Goodman DW, Adler LA, Shields J, Faraone SV. Progress and Pitfalls in the Provision of Quality Care for Adults With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary Care. Journal of Attention Disorders. February 2023 0(0). View

Filippi M, Lanigan A, Oser S, Alai J, Brooks-Greisen A, Oser T. A Team-Based Training for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Care: Mixed Methods Pilot Implementation Study in Primary Care Practices. JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e45189. DOI: 10.2196/45189. View

Lutgen C, Callen E, Robertson E, Clay T, Filippi MK. Implementation and Evaluation of Primary Care Team Participation in Opioid Use Disorder Learning Sessions. Substance Abuse. 2023;44(1):51-61. DOI:10.1177/08897077231174675. View


Israel E, Shields J, Manning BK, Carroll JK, Pace WD, et al. Reliever-triggered Inhaled Glucocorticoid in Black and Latinx Adults with Asthma. New England Journal of Medicine 2022; 386:1505-1518. View

Carroll JK, Brooks-Greisen A, Manning BK, Shields JB, et al. The Nebulizer Use by Black and Latinx Adults with Moderate to Severe Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice. VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2, P517-524.E2, FEBRUARY 01, 2022. View

Carroll JK, Brooks-Greisen A, Manning BK, Shields JB, et al. The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 and Willingness to be Vaccinated in African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2022 Jan 25:S0027-9684(21)00233-9. View

Loskutova NY, Lutgen CB, Staton EW, Nichols SD, Pinckney RG. Stimulant Prescribing Error Assessment Rubric Development. Journal of Patient Safety. January 2022 Volume 18 - Issue 1 - p e282-e289. View

Forth, V, Shields J, Carroll J, Pace WP, Manning B, et al. Patient Use of Non-Standard Terms for Asthma Inhalers is Associated with Worse Asthma Morbidity Outcomes. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Volume 149, ISSUE 2, SUPPLEMENT, AB88, February 01, 2022. View

Cardet JC, Shields J, Carroll J, Pace WP, Manning B, et al. Successfully Reducing Severe Asthma Exacerbations and Improving Asthma Control in a Pragmatic Study in African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx Patients with Moderate-Sever Asthma (PREPARE). The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Volume 149, ISSUE 2, SUPPLEMENT , AB313, February 01, 2022. View

Callen EF, Wade A, Hester CM, Carroll JK, Kucera A, Clay T, Filippi MK. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Primary Care Clinicians. Journal of American Board of Family Medicine.

Filippi MK, Hester CM, Callen EF, Robertson E, Doubeni C, Williams MD, Waxmonsky JA. Measuring Burnout Using Single Item and 2-Item Summative Score of the Maslach Burnout Inventory among Primary Care Clinicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Family Medicine.

LeMaster JW, Kimminau KS, Leyland C, Agarwal A., Calhoun E, Scott JG. Healing Relationships in the management of non-cancer chronic pain: a mixed methods study. Chronic Illness.

Quintana GA, Kane K, Filippi MK, Callen EF, Wade A, Jabbarpour Y, Coffman M. Primary Care Clinician Perceptions on the Resource Landscape During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Clinical Research and Case Reports (JCRCR).

Wade A, Callen E, Carroll JK, Hester CM, Filippi MK. How COVID-19 Reaffirmed Our Commitment to Primary Care. Archives of Family Medicine and General Practice.

Brtnikova, Michaela, Jamie L Studts, Elise Robertson, L Miriam Dickinson, Jennifer K Carroll, Alex H Krist, John T Cronin, Russell E Glasgow. Priorities for Improvement Across Cancer and Non-cancer Related Preventive Services Among Rural and Non-rural Clinicians. BMC Primary Care. View

Cardet JC, Shields J, Manning BK, Carroll JK, Pace WD, et al. Caribbean Latinx with moderate-severe asthma bear greater asthma morbidity than other Latinx. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2022 Volume 150, Issue 5. View

Cardet JC, Shields J, Manning BK, Carroll JK, Pace WD, et al. Socioeconomic status associates with worse asthma morbidity among Black and Latinx adults. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2022 Volume 150, Issue 4. View


Israel E, Cardet JC, Carroll JK, Fuhlbrigge A, Pace W, Maher N, She L, Rockhold F, Fagan M, Forth V, Hernandez P, Manning K, Rodrigues-Louis J, Shields J, Coyne-Beasley T, Kaplan B, Rand C,Morales-Cosme W, Wechsler M, Wisnivesky J, White M, Yawn B, McKee D, Busse P, Kaelber D, Nazario S, Hernandez M, Apter A, Chang K, Pinto-Plata V, Stranges P, Hurley L, Trevor J, Casale T, Chupp G, Riley I, Shenoy K, Pasarica M, Calderon-Candelario R, Tapp H, Baydur A. A Randomized, Open-Label, Pragmatic Study to Assess Reliever-Triggered Inhaled Corticosteroid in African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx Adults with Asthma: Design and Methods of the PREPARE Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Volume 101. February 2021. View

Ofei-Dodoo S, Mullen R, Pasternak A, Hester C, Callen E, Bujold E, Carroll J, Kimminau K. Loneliness, Burnout, and Other Types of Emotional Distress Among Family Medicine Physicians: Results from a National Survey. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. May 2021. 34 (3). View

Filippi M, Callen E, Wade A, Coffman M, Westfall J, Jabbarpour Y, Hester C, Carroll J. COVID-19’s Financial Impact on Primary Care Clinicians and Practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. May 2021. 34 (3). View

Fernald D, Hester CM, Brown SR. Why Family Medicine Program Directors Leave Their Position. Fam Med. 2021 May;53(5):347-354. doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2021.746153. PMID: 34019680. View

Sanders M, Tobin JN, Cassells A, Carroll JK, Holder T, Thomas M, Luque A, Fiscella K. Can a brief peer-led group training intervention improve health literacy in persons living with HIV? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Patient Educ Couns. 2021 May;104(5):1176-1182. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.10.031. Epub 2020 Oct 31. PMID: 33221117.

Loskutova NY,  Lutgen CB, Callen EF, Filippi MK, and Robertson EA. Evaluating a Web-Based Adult ADHD Toolkit for Primary Care Clinicians. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine July 2021, 34 (4) 741-752; DOI: View

Fiscella K, Sanders MR, Carroll JK. Transforming Health Care to Address Value and Equity: National Vital Signs to Guide Vital Reforms. JAMA. 2021;326(2):131–132. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.9938

Rolbiecki A, LeMaster JW. Photovoice in primary care settings: a flexible tool for fostering patient-centered care and social action. Family Practice. Volume 38, Issue 6, December 2021, Pages 855–858. View

Salciccioli JD, She L, Tulchinsky BA, Rockhold F, Cardet JC, Israel E. Effect of COVID-19 on asthma exacerbation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice. Volume 9, Issue 7, pages 2896-2899.e1 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.04.038


Loskutova N; Waterman J; Callen E; Staton E; Bullard E; Shields J. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Patterns of Health Professionals Toward Medical and Non-medical Stimulant Use by Young Adults. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020 Jan; 33 (1) 59-70; doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2020.01.190071. View

Loskutova N; Smail C; Callen E; Staton E; Nazir N; Webster B; Pace W.  Effects of Multicomponent Primary Care-Based Intervention on Immunization Rates and Missed Opportunities to Vaccinate Adults. BMC Family. 2020 Feb; 21(46). doi: 10.1186/s12875-020-01115-y. View

Blosnich JR, Dichter ME, Gurewich D, Montgomery AE, Kressin NR, Lee R, Hester CM, Hausmann LRM. Health Services Research and Social Determinants of Health in the Nation's Largest Integrated Health Care System: Steps and Leaps in the Veterans Health Administration. Mil Med. 2020 Sep 18;185(9-10):e1353-e1356. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usaa067. PubMed PMID: 32592393. View

Loskutova N, Lutgen C, Staton EW, Nichols SD, Pinckney RG; “Stimulant Prescribing Error Assessment Rubric (SPEAR) Development”; Journal of Patient Safety (in press)

Mullen R, Weidner A, Liaw W, Mainous AG, Hester CM, Goodyear-Smith F, Nease D, Schneider D, Ewigman B. Family Medicine Research Capacity. Fam Pract. 2020 Nov 7:cmaa119. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmaa119.

Sanders M, Tobin JN, Cassells A, Carroll JK, Holder T, Thomas M, Luque A, Fiscella K. Can a brief peer-led group training intervention improve health literacy in persons living with HIV? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling (PEC); 104(5):1176-1182. View

Jennifer M. Poger, Hsin-Chieh Yeh, Cindy L. Bryce, Jennifer K. Carroll, Lan Kong, Erica B. Francis, Jennifer L.Kraschnewskiae. PaTH to partnership in stakeholder-engaged research: A framework for stakeholder engagement in the PaTH to Health Diabetes study. Healthcare Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020, 100361. View


Loskutova N. The Annual Wellness Visit: Assessment of Cognitive Impairment. Public Policy & Aging Report. 2019 Jan; 29(1):20-25. doi: 10.1093/ppar/pry047. View

Loskutova N; Watts A; Burns J. The Cause-Effect Relationship Between Bone Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease Using Statistical Modeling. Medical Hypotheses. 2019. Jan; 122: 92-97. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2018.10.024. View

Unwin BK, Loskutova N, Knicely P, Wood CD; Tools for Better Dementia Care. Family Practice Management. 2019 Jan-Feb;26(1):11-16. View

Hester C; Jiang V; Bartlett-Esquilant G; Bazemore A; Carroll J; DeVoe J; Dickinson P; Krist A; Liaw W; New R; Vangsaghi T. Supporting Family Medicine Research Capacity: The Critical Role and Current Contributions of US Family Medicine Organizations. Fam Med. 2019 Feb; 51(2):120-128. doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2019.318583. View

Kwan B; Fernald D; Ferrarone P; Loskutova N; Holtrop J; Staton E; Westfall J. Implementation and Evaluation of a Laboratory Safety Process Improvement Toolkit. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2019 March; 32 (2) 136-145; doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2019.02.180109. View

Loskutova N; Callen E; Pinckney R; Staton E; Pace W. Feasibility, Implementation and Outcomes of Tablet-based Two-Step Screening for Adult ADHD in Primary Care Practice. J Atten Disord. 2019 Apr 24. doi :1087054719841133. View

Carroll J; Farah S; Fortuna R; Lanigan A; Sanders M; Venc J; Fiscella K. Addressing Medication Costs During Primary Care Visits: A Before/After Study of Team-based Training. Ann Intern Med. 2019;170(9_Supplement):S46-S53. View

Fiscella K; Venci J; Sanders M; Lanigan A; Fortuna R. A Practical Approach to Reducing Patients' Prescription Costs. Fam Pract Manag. 2019 May-June;26(3):5-9. View

Kovach K; Lutgen C; Callen E; Hester C. Informing the American Academy of family Physician’s Health Equity strategy–an environmental scan using the Delphi technique. International Journal for Equity in Health (2019) 18:97. View

Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH; Subrina Farah, MS; Robert J. Fortuna, MD, MPH; Angela M. Lanigan, MPA, RD; Mechelle Sanders, BA; Jineane V. Venci, PharmD, MS-CI; Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH. Addressing Medication Costs During Primary Care Visits: A Before/after Study of Team-based Training. Ann Intern Med. 2019;170(9_Supplement):S46-S53. View

Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH, Jineane Venci, PharmD, MS-CI, BCACP, Mechelle Sanders, BA, Angela M. Lanigan, MPA, RD, and Robert J. Fortuna, MD, MPH. A Practical Approach to Reducing Patients' Prescription Costs. Fam Pract Manag. 2019 May-June;26(3):5-9. View

Kevin A. Kovach, Cory B. Lutgen, Elisabeth F. Callen, and Christina M. Hester. Informing the American Academy of family Physician’s Health Equity strategy–an environmental scan using the Delphi technique. International Journal for Equity in Health (2019) 18:97. View

Unwin BK, Loskutova N, Knicely P, Wood CD; Tools for Better Dementia Care. Family Practice Management. 2019 Jan-Feb;26(1):11-16. View


Carroll JK, Pulver G, Dickinson LM, Pace WD, Vassalotti JA, Kimminau KS, Manning BK, Staton EW, Fox CH, Effect of 2 Clinical Decision Support Strategies on Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes in Primary Care A Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(6):e183377.View

Carroll JK, Fiscella K, Cassells A, Sanders MR, Williams SK, D’Orazio B, Holder T, Farah S, Khalida C, Tobin JN. Theoretical and Pragmatic Adaptation of the 5As Model to Patient-Centered Hypertension Counselling. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2018 August; 29(3): 975-983. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2018.0073.View.

Yawn BP, Israel E, Wechsler ME, Pace W, Madison S, Manning B, Doros G & Fuhlbrigge A (2018): The asthma Symptom Free Days Questionnaire: how reliable are patient responses?, Journal of Asthma.View.

Nicole L. Grossman, Gheorghe D. Doros, Nicolas Fandino, Anne L. Fuhlbrigge, Wilson D. Pace, Michael E. Wechsler, Barbara P. Yawn & Elliot Israel (2018). Susceptibility to exacerbations in Black adults with asthma. Journal of Asthma, DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2018.1486855. View.

Natalia Y Loskutova Adam G Tsai Elisabeth Callen Kemi Ajayi Jennifer K Carroll Michael Harrington Tamela J Turner Wilson D Pace. Differences in perspectives regarding diabetes management between health care providers and patients. Translational Behavioral Medicine, Volume 8, Issue 3, 23 May 2018, Pages 328–340. View

Yawn BP, Wollan PC, Rank MA, Bertram SL, Jubn Y, Pace W. Use of Asthma APGAR Tools in Primary Care Practices: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Fam Med 2018 16:98-99. View.


Loskutova, N; Smail, C; Webster, B; Ajayi, K; Wood, J; Carroll, JK. Missed opportunities for improving practice performance in adult immunizations: a meta-narrative review of the literature. (2017) BMC Family Practice 18:108; DOI 10.1186/s12875-017-0694-1. View.

Nebel KM, Loskutova NY. The AAFP Cognitive Care Kit: A Resource for Family Physicians. Am Fam Physician. 2017 Nov 15;96(10):630-631. View.

Loskutova NY, Smail C, Ajayi K, Pace WD, Fox CH. Recruiting primary care practices for practice-based research: a case study of a group-randomized study (TRANSLATE CKD) recruitment process. Fam Pract. July 2017 (1- 6) cmx064. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmx064. View.


Fiks AG, DuRivage N, Mayne SL, Finch S, Ross ME, Giacomini K, Suh A, McCarn B, Brandt E, KAravite D, Staton EW, Shone LP, McGoldrick V, Noonan K, Miller D, Lehmann CU, Pace WD, Grundmeier RW. Adoption of a Portal for the Primary Care Management of Pediatric Asthma: A Mixed-Methods Implementation Study. J Med Internet Res. June 2016; 18(6): 1-18. View full text.

Mabachi NM, Cifuentes M, Barnard J, Brega AG, Albright K, Weiss BD, Brach C, West D. Demonstration of Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit - Lessons for Quality Improvement. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. July/Sept 2016; 39(3): 199-208. View full text.

Sohn AJ, Hickner JM, Alem F. Use of Point-of-Care Tests (POCTs) by US Primary Care Physicians. J Am Board Fam Med. May-June 2016; 29(3): 371-6. View full text.

Loskutova NY, Tsai AG, Fisher EB, LaCruz DM, Cherrington AL, Harrington ML, Turner TJ, Pace WD. Patient Navigators Connecting Patients to Community Resources to Improve Diabetes Outcomes. J Am Board Fam Med. January-February 2016; 29(1): 78-89. View.

Kwan BM, Sills MR, Graham DG, Hamer MK, Fairclough DL, Hammermeister KE, Kaiser A, de Jesus Diaz-Perez M, Schilling LM. Stakeholder Engagement in a Patient-Reported Outcomes Implementation by a Practice-based Research Network. J Am Board Fam Med. January-February 2016; 29(1): 102-15. View full text.

Weiss BD, Brega AG, LeBlanc WG, Mabachi NM, Barnard J, Albright K, Cifuentes M, Brach C, West DR. Improving the Effectiveness of Medicine Review: Guidance from the Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit. J Am Board Fam Med. January-February 2016; 29(1): 18-23. View full text.


Brega AG, Freedman MA, LeBlanc WG, Barnard J, Mabachi NM, Cifuentes M, Albright K, Weiss BD, Brach C, West DR. Using the Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit to Improve the Quality of Patient Materials. Journal of Health Communication. 2015. 20:69-76. View full text.

Wechsler ME, Yawn BP, Fuhlbrigge AL, Pace WD, Pencina MJ, Doros G, Kazani S, Raby BA, Lanzillotti J, Madinson S, Israel E. Anticholinergic vs Long-Acting β-Agonist in Combination With Inhaled Corticosteroids in Black Adults With Asthma. The BELT Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2015;314(16):1720-1730. View full text.

Vest BM, York TRM, Sand J, Fox CH, Kahn LS. Chronic Kidney Disease Guideline Implementation in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study of Providers in the TRANSLATE CKD Study. J Am Board Fam Med. September-October 2015; 28(5):624-31. View.

Dickinson LM, Beaty B, Fox CH, Pace WD, Dickinson WP, Emsermann C, Kempe A. Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trials Using Covariate Constrained Randomization: A Method for Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs). J Am Board Fam Med. September-October 2015; 28(5):663-72. View.

Cipparone CW, Withiam-Leith M, Kimminau KS, Fox CH, Singh R, Kahn L. Inaccuracy of ICD-9 Codes for Chronic Kidney Disease: A Study from Two Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs). J Am Board Fam Med. September-October 2015; 28(5):678-82. View.

Knox L, Huff J, Graham D, Henry M, Bracho A, Henderson C, Emsermann C. What Peer Mentoring Adds to Already Good Patient Care: Implementing the Carpeta Roja Peer Mentoring Program in a Well-Resourced Health Care System. AnnFamMed. 2015; 13(1): S59-S65.View full text.

Fiks AG, Grundmeier RW, Steffes J, Adams WG, Kaelber DC, Pace WD, Wasserman RC. Comparative Effectiveness Research Through a Collaborative Electronic Reporting Consortium. Pediatrics. 2015; Jul;136(1): 215-24. View full text.

Anderson HD, Pace DW, Brandt E, Nielsen RD, Allen RR, Libby AM, West DR, Valuck RJ. Monitoring Suicidal Patients in Primary Care Using Electronic Health Records. J Am Board Fam Med. January-February 2015; 28:65-71. View full text.

Morton S, Shih SC, Winther CH, Tinoco A, Kessler RS, Scholle, SH. Health IT–Enabled Care Coordination: A National Survey of Patient-Centered Medical Home Clinicians. AnnFamMed. 2015 May;13(3):250-6. View full text.


Rank MA, Bertram SB, Wollan P, Yawn RA, Yawn BP. Comparing the Asthma APGAR System and the Asthma Control Test in a Multicenter Primary Care Sample. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89(7):917-925. View.

Kessler R, Miller BF, Kelly M, Graham DG, Kennedy A, Littenberg B, MacLean CD, van Eeghen C, Scholle SH, Tirodkar M, Morton S, Pace WD. Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Health Behavior Services in Patient-Centered Medical Homes. J Am Board Fam Med September-October 2014; 27:637-644. View full text.

Howick J, Cals J, Jones C, Price CP, Plüddemann A, Heneghan C, Berger MY, Buntinx F, Hickner J, Pace WD, et al. Current and future use of point-of-care tests in primary care: an international survey in Australia, Belgium, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA. BMJ Open2014;4:e005611 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005611 with Correction eLetter.  View full text.

Stewart TV, Loskutova N, Galliher JM, Warshaw GA, Coombs LJ, Staton EW, Huff JM, Pace WD. Practice Patterns, Beliefs, and Perceived Barriers to Care Regarding Dementia: A Report from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Research Network. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014; 27:275-283. View.

Galliher JM, Manning BK, Petterson SM, Dickinson LM, Brandt EC, Staton EW, Phillips RL, Pace WD. Do Professional Development Programs for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Affect Quality of Patient Care? J Am Board Fam Med. 2014; 27:19 -25.  View.

Brandt E, Fernald D, Parnes B, Pace WD, West DR. An Electronic Card Study of Treatment Strategies for Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA)Advances in the Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections. June 2014. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-hai/hai-article16.html#. View.

Kravitz RL, Duan N, DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance Panel (Duan N, Eslick I, Gabler NB, Kaplan HC, Kravitz RL, Larson EB, Pace WD, Schmid CH, Sim I, and Vohra S). Design and Implementation of N-of-1 Trials: A User's Guide. AHRQ Publication No. 13-EHC122-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Release date February 12, 2014. http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/index.cfm/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?pageaction=displayproduct&productid=1844. View full text.

Mitchell NS, Manning BK, Staton EW, Emsermann CD, Dickinson LM, Pace WD. Outcomes of Biomarker Feedback on Physical Activity, Eating Habits, and Emotional Health: From the Americans in Motion-Healthy Intervention (AIM-HI) Study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014; 27:61-69. View.

Yawn BP, Dietrich A, Graham DG, Bertram S, Kurland M, Madison S, Littlefield D, Manning BK, Smail C, Pace WD. Preventing the Voltage Drop: Keeping Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) Practices Engaged in Studies. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014; 27:123-135. View full text.

Hissett J, Folks B, Coombs L, LeBlanc W, Pace WD. Effects of Changing Guidelines on Prescribing Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014; 27 (1):78-86. View.


Nathan, P.C., Daugherty, C.K., Wroblewski, K.E. et al. Family physician preferences and knowledge gaps regarding the care of adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. J Cancer Surviv (2013) 7: 275. View.

Hammermeister K, Bronsert M, Henderson WG, Coombs L, Hosokawa P, Brandt E, Bryan C, Valuck R, West DR, Liaw W, Ho M, Pace WD. Risk-Adjusted Comparison of Blood Pressure and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Noncontrol in Primary Care Offices. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013; 26 (6):658-668. View.

Fox CH, Neuhaus K, Vassalotti JA. Importance of urine albumin creatinine ratio in the diagnosis and prognosis of chronic kidney disease. OA Nephrology 2013 Nov 01;1(3):21. View.

Bertram S, Graham DG, Kurland M, Pace WD, Madison S, Yawn BP. Communication is the Key to Success in Pragmatic Clinical Trials in Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs)J Am Board Fam Med. 2013; 26(5):571-8. View full text

Bronsert MR, Henderson WG, Valuck R, Hosokawa P, Hammermeister K. Comparative Effectiveness in Antihypertensive Therapeutic Classes and Treatment Strategies in the Initiation of Therapy in Primary Care Patients: A Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) Study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013; 26(5):529-38. View.

Tarn DM, Paterniti DA, Good JS, Coulter ID, Galliher JM, Kravitz RL, Karlamangla AS, Wenger NS. Physician-patient Communication about Dietary Supplements. Patient Education and Counseling. 2013 Jun; 91(3): 287-94. Epub ahead of print 2013 March 7. View full text.

Yawn BP, Bertram S, Kurland M, Wollan P, Graham D, Littlefield D, Smail C, Pace W. Protocol for the asthma tools study: a pragmatic practice-based research network trial. Pragmatic and Observational Research. 2013 Jun; 7-14. View.

Fox CH, Vest BM, Kahn LS, Dickinson LM, Fang H, Pace WD, Kimminau K, Vassalotti J, Loskutova N, Peterson K. Improving Evidence-Based Primary Care for Chronic Kidney Disease: Study protocol for a cluster randomized control trial for translating evidence into practice (TRANSLATE CKD). Implementation Science. 2013; 8:88. View.

Schilling LM, Kwan BM, Drolshagen CT, Hosokawa PW, Brandt E, Pace WD, Uhrich C, Kamerick M, Bunting A, Payne P, Stephens WE, George JM, Vance M, Giacomini K, Braddy J, Green MK, Kahn MG. Scalable Architecture for Featured Translational Inquiries Network (SAFTINet) Technology Infrastructure for a Distributed Data NetworkeGEMs. 2013; 1(1) View Full Text.

Pace WD, Lanigan AM, Staton EW, Graham DG, Manning BK, Dickinson M, Stewart EE. Effectiveness of 2 Methods of Promoting Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, and Emotional Well-Being With the Americans in Motion—Healthy Interventions Approach. AnnFamMed. 2013; 11(4): 371-80. View.

Han E, Hudson Scholle S, Morton S, Bechtel C, Kessler R. Survey Shows That Fewer Than A Third Of Patient-Centered Medical Home Practices Engage Patients In Quality Improvement. Health Affairs. 2013; 32 (2):368-375. View full text.

Yawn B, Wechsler M, Kurland, M, Bertram S, Madison S, Fuhlbrigge LA, Israel E, Pace WD. An automated patient and medication payment method for clinical trialsOpen Access Journal of Clinical Trials. 2013:5 23-31. View full text

Vinson D, Turner B, Manning BM, Galliher JG. Clinician Suspicion of an Alcohol Problem: An Observational Study from the AAFP National Research NetworkAnnFamMed. 2013; 11(1): 53-59. View full text.

Volk RJ, Linder SK, Kallen MA, Galliher JM, Spano MS, Mullen PD, Spann, SJ. Primary Care Physicians’ Use of an Informed Decision-Making Process for Prostate Cancer ScreeningAnnFamMed. 2013; 11(1): 67-74. View full text


Bujold E, Huff J, Staton EW, Pace WD. Improving use of narcotics for nonmalignant chronic pain: A lesson from Community Care of North Carolina. J Opioid Manag. 2012 Nov-Dec; 8(6): 363-367. View full text

Saag KG, Mohr PE, Esmail L, Mudano AS, Wright N, Beukelman T, Curtis JR, Cutter G, Delzell E, Gary LC, Harrington TM, Karkare S, Kilgore ML, Lewis CE, Moloney R, Oliveira A, Singh JA, Barriner A, Zhang J, Berger M, Cummings SR, Pace WD, Solomon DH, Wallace R, Tunis SR. Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Pragmatic Clinical Trials in Older Adults in the United StatesContemporary Clinical Trials. 2012; 33(6): 1211-1216. Epub ahead of print July 5, 2012. View full text

Sieber WJ, Miller BF, Kessler R, Patterson JE, Kallenberg G, Edwards T, Lister Z. Establishing the Collaborative Care Reserach Network (CCRN): A Description of Initial Participating Sites. Families, Systems and Health. 2012; 30(3): 210-223. View.

Wang C, Sen A, Ruffin MT, Gramling R, Nease DE, Acheson LS, O'Neill SM, Rubinstein WS, for the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Family history assessment: Impact on disease risk perceptionsAm J Prev Med. 2012; 43(4): 392-398. View full text

Stewart EE, Fernald D, Staton EW, Brandt EC. A Toolkit to Improve the Treatment of CA-MRSAFamPractManag. 2012 Sept-Oct; 19(5): 21-24.View.

Valuck RJ, Anderson HO, Libby AM, Brandt EC, Bryan C, Allen RR, Staton EW, West DR, Pace WD. Enhancing Electronic Health Record Measurement of Depression Severity and Suicide Ideation: A Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) StudyJ AM Board Fam Med. 2012; 25(5): 582-593. View full text

Erskine J, Lanigan AM, Emsermann CB, Manning BK, Staton EW, Pace WD. Use of the Americans in Motion-Healthy Intervention (AIM-HI) to Create a Culture of Fitness in the Family PracticeJ AM Board Fam Med. 2012; 25(5): 694-700. View.

Bitton A, Schwartz G, Stewart EE, Henderson D, Keohane C, Bates D, Schiff G. Off the Hamster Wheel? Qualitative Evaluation of a Payment-Linked Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) PilotMilbank Q. Sept 2012; 90(3): 484-515. View full text

Yawn BP, Olson AL, Bertram S, Pace, WD, Wollan P, Dietrich AJ. Postpartum Depression: Screening, Diagnosis, and Management Programs 2000 through 2010Depression Research and Treatment. Volume 2012. Article ID 363964, 9 pages. View full text

Dorman JS, Valdez, Liu T, Wang C, Rubinstein WS, O’Neill SM, Acheson LS, Riffin MT, Khoury MJ. Health Benefits Among Individuals at Increased Familial Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: Implications for PreventionDiabetes Res Clin Pract. 2012 May; 96(2): 156-62. Epub 2012 Jan 17. View full text

Hahn DL, Grasmick M, Hetzel S, Yale S, and on behalf of the AZMATICS Study Group. Azithromycin for Bronchial Asthma in Adults: An Effectiveness Trial. J AM Board Fam Med. 2012 25(4): 442-459. View full text

Yawn BP, Dietrich A, Wollan P, Bertram S, Graham D, Huff J, Kurland M, Madison S, Pace, WD. TRIPPD: A Practice-Based Effectiveness Study of Postpartum Depression Screening and ManagementAnnFamMed. 2012 10(4): 320-329. View full text

Auxier A, Mullin D, Runyan C, Mendenhall T, Kessler R. Behavioral Health Referrals and Treatment Initiation Rates in Integrated Primary Care: A Collaborative Care Research Network StudyTransBehavMed. 6 June 2012. View.

Croy CD, Smail C, Horsley E. Preparing for and Recovering From a Natural DisasterFam Pract Manag. 2012 May-June; 19(3): 15-18. View full text

McLeod W, Eidus R, Stewart EE. Clinical Decision Support: Using Technology to Identify Patients’ Unmet NeedsFam Pract Manag. 2012; 19(2): 22-28. View full text

Eidus R, Pace WD, Staton EW. Managing Patient Populations in Primary Care: Points of LeverageAM Board Fam Med. 2012; 25(2): 238-244. View full text

Anderson HS, Pace, WD, Libby AM, West DR, Valuck RJ. Rates of 5 Common Antidepressent Side Effects Among New Adult and Adolescent Case of Depression: A Retrospective US Claims StudyClinical Therapeutics. 2012; 34(1): 113-123. View full text


Ruffin MT, Nease DE. Using Patient Monetary Incentives and Electronically Derived Patient Lists to Recruit Patients to a Clinical TrialJ AM Board Fam Med. 2011; 24(5): 569-574. PMID: 21900440. View full text

Rubinstein WS, O’Neill SM, Acheson LS, Ruffin MT, Wang C, & Beaumont J for the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Clinical Utility of Family History for Cancer Screening and Referral in Primary CareGenet Med. 2011; 13(11): 956-965.PMID: 22075527. View full text

Parnes B, Fernald D, Coombs L, De Alleaume L, Brand EC, Webster B, Dickinson LM, Pace WD, West DR. Improving the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Primary Care: A Report from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP-USA) and the Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet)J AM Board Fam Med. 2011; 24(5): 534-542. PMID: 21900436. View.

Pace WD, Staton EW. Improving the Disclosure of Medical IncidentsBMJ. 2011;343:d4340. View full text.

Miller BF, Kessler R, Peek CJ. Establishing the Research Agenda for Collaborative Care. Papers from the Collaborative Care Research Network Research Development ConferenceAHRQ Publication No. 11-0067, June 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. View full text.

Kessler R, Miller BF. Framework for Collaborative Care Metrics. Papers from the Collaborative Care Research Network Research Development ConferenceAHRQ Publication No. 11-0067, June 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. View full text.

Peek CJ. A Collaborative Care Lexicon for Asking Practice and Research Development Questions. Papers from the Collaborative Care Research Network Research Development ConferenceAHRQ Publication No. 11-0067, June 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. View full text.

Ruffin MT, Nease DE, Pace WD, Sen A, Wang C, Acheson LS, Rubinstein W, O’Neill SM, & Gramling R, for the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Effect of Preventive Messages Tailored to Family History on Health Behaviors: The Family HealthwareTM Impact TrialAnn Fam Med. 2011; 9, 3-11. PMID: 21242555. View full text

Rubinstein WS, O’Neill SM, Rothrock N, Starzjk EJ, Beaumont JL, Acheson LS, Wang C, Gramling R, Galliher JM & Ruffin MT. Components of Family History Associated with Women’s Disease Perceptions for Cancer: A Report from the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial (FHITr)Genet Med. 2011; 13(1): 52-62. PMID: 21150785. View full text

Stewart EE, Fox C. Encouraging Patients to Change Unhealthy Behaviors With Motivational InterviewingFam Pract Manag. 2011 May-June;18(3):21-25. PMID:21842805. View.

McAndrews JA, McMullen S, Wilson SL. 4 Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Your PracticeFam Pract Manag. 2011. Mar-Apr; 18(2) 16-20. View. PMID:21404998.

Phillips RL, Bronnikov S, Petterson S, Cifuentes M, Teevan B, Dodoo M, Pace WD, Wet DR. Case Study of a Primary Care-Based Accountable Care Systems Approach to Medical Home TransformationJ Ambulatory Care Manage. 2011; 34(1):67-77. View full text. PMID:21160354.


Acheson LS, Wang C, Zyzanski SJ, Lynn A, Ruffin MT, Gramling R, Rubinstein WS, O'Neill SM, Nease DE Jr. Family Healthware Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Family history and perceptions about risk and prevention for chronic diseases in primary care: a report from the family healthware impact trial. Genet Med. 2010; 12(4):212-8. View full text.

Vinson DC, Manning, BK, Galliher JM, Dickinson LM, Pace WD, and Turner BJ. Alcohol and Sleep Problems in Primary Care Patients: A Report from the AAFP National Research NetworkAnnals of Family Medicine. 2010; 8(6): 484-492. PMID: 21060117. View full text.

Galliher JM, Post DM, Weiss BD, Dickinson LM, Manning BK, Staton EW, Brown JB, Hickner, JM, Bonham AJ, Ryan BL, Pace WD. Patient Question-asking during Primary Care Visits: A Report from the AAFP National Research NetworkAnnals of Family Medicine. 2010; 8(2):151-159. PMID: 20212302. View full text.

Libby AM, Pace WD, Bryan C, Anderson HO, Ellis SL, Allen RR, Brandt E, Huebschmann AG, West D, Valuck RJ. Comparison Effectiveness Research in DARTNet Primary Care Practices: Point of Care Data Collection on Hypoglycemia and Over-the-Counter and Herbal Use Among Patients Diagnosed with DiabetesMedical Care. 2010; 48(6) supplement: S39-S44. PMID:20473193. View full text

Nease DE, Nutting PA, Graham DG, Dickinson WP, Gallagher KM, Jeffcott-Pera M. Sustainability of Depression Care Improvements: Success of a Practice Change Improvement CollaborativeJ AM Board Fam Med. 2010; 23(5): 598-605.PMID:20823354. View full text

Gallagher KM, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Graham DG, Bonham AJ, Dickinson WP, Main DS. It Takes Two: Using Co-Leaders to Champion Improvements in Small Primary Care PracticesJ AM Board Fam Med. 2010; 23(5): 632-639. PMID:20823358. View full text

Yawn BP, Pace W, Dietrich A, Bertram S, Kurland M, Graham D, Huff J, Rocca L, Wollan P. Practice Benefit from Participating in a Practice-based Research Network Study of Postpartum Depression: A National Research Network (NRN) ReportJ AM Board Fam Med. 2010; 23(4):455-464. PMID:20616288. View full text


Galliher JM, Bonham AJ, Dickinson LM, Staton EW, Pace WD. Representativeness of PBRN Physician Practice Patterns and Related Beliefs: The Case of the AAFP National Research NetworkAnn Fam Med. 2009;7:547-554. PMID:19901315. View full text

Yawn BP, Pace W, Wollan PC, Bertram S, Kurland M, Graham D, Dietrich A. Concordance of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to Assess Increased Risk of Depression among Postpartum WomenJ AM Board Fam Med. 2009;22: 483-491. PMID:19734393. View full text

Yawn BP, Dietrich AJ, Wollan PC, Bertram SL, Kurland MJ, Pace WD, Graham DG, Huff JM. Immediate Action Protocol: A Tool to Help Your Practice Assess Suicidal PatientsFamily Practice Management. 2009;16(5):17-20. PMID:19751038. View full text

Pace WD, Cifuentes M, Valuck RJ, Staton EW, Brandt EC, West DR. An Electronic Practice-based Network for Observational Comparative Effectiveness ResearchAnn Internal Med. 2009:151(1):338-340. PMID:19638402. View full text

Yawn BP, Graham DG, Bertram SL, Kurland MJ, Dietrich AJ, Wollan PC, Brandt EC, Huff JM, Pace WD. Practice-based Research Network Studies and Institutional Review Boards: Two New IssuesJ AM Board Fam Med. 2009;22(4):453-460. View full text

Main DS, Graham DG, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating Practice Change Processes into Quality Improvement of Depression Care: A Report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative’s Improving Depression Care ProjectJoint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2009;35(7):351-357. View full text

O'Neill SM, Rubenstein WS, Wang C, Yoon PW, Acheson LS, Rothrock N, Starzyk EJ, Beaumont JL, Galliher JM, Ruffin MT, for the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial Group. Familial Risk for Common Diseases in Primary CareAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009;36(6):506-514.PMID:19460658. View full text

Wang C, O'Neill SM, Rothrock N, Gramling R, Sen A, Acheson LS, Rubinstein WS, Nease DE, Ruffin MT, for the Family HealthwareTM Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Comparison of Risk Perceptions and Beliefs Across Common Chronic Diseases. Preventive Medicine. 2009;48:197–202. PMID:19073208. View full text


Duffy FF, Chung H, Trivedi M, Rae DS, Regier DA, Katzelnick DJ. Systematic Use of Patient-Rated Depression Severity Monitoring: Is It Helpful and Feasible in Clinical Psychiatry? Psychiatric Services. 2008;59:1148-1154. PMID:18832500. View full text

Davis NL, Galliher JM, Spano MS, Main DS, Brannigan M, Pace WD. Evaluating Conflicts of Interest in Research Presented in CME VenuesJournal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2008;28(4):220. PMID:19058257. View.

Cohen DJ, Crabtree BF, Etz RS, Balasubramanian BA, Donahue KE, Leviton LC, Clark EC, Isaacson NF, Stange KC, Green LW. Fidelity Versus Flexibility: Translating Evidence-Based Research into PracticeAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008:35(5s):S381-S389. View full text

Dodoo MS, Krist AH, Cifuentes M, Green LA. Start-Up and Incremental Practice Expenses for Behavior Change Interventions in Primary Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008;35(5S):S423-S430. PMID:18929990. View full text.

Green LA, Cifuentes M, Glasgow RE, Stange KC. Redesigning Primary Care Practice to Incorporate Health Behavior ChangeAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2008;35(5S):S347-S349. PMID:18929980. View full text

Kuo GM, Phillips RL, Graham D, Hickner JM. Medication Errors Reported by U.S. Family Physicians and Their Office StaffQuality and Safety in Health Care. 2008;17(4):286-90. PMID:18678727. View full text.

Graham D, Harris D, Elder NC, Emsermann C, Brandt E, Staton E, Hickner J. Mitigation of Patient Harm from Testing Errors in Family Medicine Offices: A Report from the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research NetworkQuality and Safety in Healthcare. 2008;17:201-208.PMID:18519627. View full text

Hickner JM, Graham DG, Elder NC, Brandt E, Emsermann C, Dovey S, Phillips R. Testing Process Errors and Their Harms and Consequences Reported from Family Medicine: A Study of the AAFP National Research NetworkQuality and Safety in Healthcare. 2008;17:194-200.PMID:18519626. View full text

Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. Inducing Sustainable Improvement in Depression Care in Primary Care Practices: A Report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative's Improving Depression Care ProjectThe Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2008;34(5):247-255. PMID:18491688. View full text

Elder NC, Hickner JM, Graham DG. Quality and Safety in Outpatient Laboratory TestingClinics in Laboratory Medicine. 2008;28(2):295-303.PMID:18436072.  View full text.

Galliher JM, Stewart TV, Pathak PK, Werner JJ, Dickinson LM, Hickner JM. Data Collection Outcomes Comparing Paper Forms with PDA Forms in an Office-Based Patient SurveyAnnals of Family Medicine. 2008;6(2):154-160. PMID:18332408. View full text.


Yawn BP, Enright PL, Lemanske RF, Israel E, Pace WD, Wollan P, Boushey H. Spirometry Can Be Done in Family Physicians’ Offices and Alters Clinical Decisions in Management of Asthma and COPDChest. 2007;132(4):1162–1168. PMID:17550939. View full text

Graham DG, Spano MS, Stewart TV, Staton EW, Meers AM, Pace WD. Strategies for Planning and Launching PBRN Research Studies: A Project of the AAFP National Research NetworkJournal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2007;20(2):220-228.PMID:17341759. View full text

Graham D, Spano M, Manning B. The IRB Challenge for Practice-Based Research: Strategies of a National Research Network. Is It Time To Move Towards an Alternative Review Model? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2007;20(2):181-187. PMID:17341755. View full text

Elder NC, Graham D, Brandt E, Hickner J. Barriers and Motivators for Making Error Reports from Family Medicine Offices: A Report from the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research NetworkJournal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2007;20(2):115-123. PMID: 17341747. View full text

Hickner J, Kent S, Naragon P, Hunt L. Physicians' and Patients' Views of Cancer Care by Family Physicians: A Report from the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research NetworkFamily Medicine. 2007;39(2):126-131.PMID:17273955. View full text

Binns HJ, Lanier D, Pace WD, Galliher JM, Ganiats TG, Grey M, Ariza AJ, Williams R, for the Primary Care Network Survey (PRINS) Participants. Describing Primary Care Encounters: The Primary Care Network Survey and The National Ambulatory Medical Care SurveyAnnals of Family Medicine. 2007;5:39-47. PMID:17261863. View full text


Phillips RL, Dovey SM, Graham D, Elder NC, Hickner JS. Learning from Different Lenses: Reports of Medical Errors in Primary Care by Clinicians, Staff and Patients. A Project of the AAFP National Research NetworkThe Journal of Patient Safety. 2006;(3):140-146. View full text

Elder NC, Graham D, Brandt E, Dovey S, Phillips R, Ledwith J, Hickner J. The Testing Process in Family Medicine: Problems, Solutions, and Barriers as Seen By Physicians and Their Staff. A Study of the American Academy of Family Physicians' National Research NetworkThe Journal of Patient Safety. 2006;2(1):25-32. View full text

Eaton CB, Galliher JM, McBride PE, Bonham AJ, Kappus JA, Hickner J. Family Physician’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Self-Reported Practice Patterns regarding Hyperlipidemia: A National Research Network (NRN) SurveyJournal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2006;19:46-53. PMID:16492005. View full text

Park SY, Gerber MA, Tanz RR, Hickner JM, Galliher JM, Chuang I, Besser RE. Clinicians' Management of Children and Adolescents with Acute PharyngitisPediatrics. 2006;117(6):1871-8. PMID:16740825. View full text

Spann SJ, Nutting PA, Galliher JM, Peterson KA, Pavlik VN, Dickinson LM, Volk RJ. Management of Type 2 Diabetes in the Primary Care Setting: A Practice-based Research Network StudyAnnals of Family Medicine. 2006; 4(1):23-31. PMID:16449393. View full text(


Clark EC, Yawn BP, Galliher JM, Temte JL, Hickner JM. Hepatitis C Identification and Management by Family PhysiciansFamily Medicine. 2005;37(9):644-649. View full text

Dovey SM, Hickner JM, Phillips R. Developing and Using Taxonomies of Errors. In: Walshe K, Boaden R. Patient Safety: Research into Practice. November 2005. ISBN: 0335218539. Open University Press, Berkshire, England. (First prize winner in the Basis of Medicine category at the 2006 British Medical Association Book of the Year competition). View full text.

Graham DG, Pace W, Kappus J, Holcomb S, Galliher JM, Duclos CW, Bonham AJ. Institutional Review Board Approval of Practice-based Research Network Patient Safety Studies. Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to ImplementationAHRQ Publication No. 050021. Vol. 3. February 2005. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. View full text.

Phillips RL, Dovey SM, Hickner JS, Graham D, Johnson M, Robinett T. The AAFP Patient Safety Reporting System: Development and Legal Issues Pertinent to Medical Error Tracking and Analysis. Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to ImplementationAHRQ Publication No. 050021. Vol 3. February 2005. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. View full text.


Elder NC, Graham D, Hickner J. Can a National Primary-care Error Reporting System Make a Difference in Medical Practice? Focus on Patient Safety. 2004;7(1):5-6.

Lindbloom EJ, Ewigman BG, Hickner JM. Practice-based Research Networks: The Laboratories of Primary Care ResearchMedical Care. 2004;42(4 Suppl):III 45-9. View full text.

Vinson DC, Galliher JM, Reidinger C, Kappus JA. Comfortably Engaging: Which Approach to Alcohol Screening Should We Use? Annals of Family Medicine. 2004;2:398-404. View full text.


Chen FM, Hickner J, Fink KS, Galliher JM, Burstin H. On the Front Lines: Family Physicians' Preparedness for BioterrorismJournal of Family Practice. 2002; 51:745-749. PMID:1266891. View full text

Dovey SM, Meyers DS, Phillips RL Jr, Green LA, Fryer GE, Galliher JM, Kappus J, Grob P. A Preliminary Taxonomy of Medical Errors in Family PracticeQuality and Safety in Health Care. 2002;11(3):233-238. PMID:12486987. View full text

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