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AAFP Health Equity Fellowship

Translating Health Equity Concepts into Clinical Practice

The AAFP Health Equity Fellowship is designed to develop family physicians into leaders who have subject matter expertise in the social, institutional, and cultural influences that impact health. The fellowship is a vital part of the Academy’s work to create leaders across the specialty who can address health inequities at the system and community levels. These fellows will facilitate change to improve their local communities and primary care. 

Meet the 2023 Health Equity Fellows

After an extensive application and review process, four FPs were selected for the 2023 class of Health Equity Fellows. Learn about their projects.

Elizabeth Beiter, M.D. 

headshot of Elizabeth Beiter

Capstone Project: Improving Health Equity Now and in the Future: Assessing and Addressing Social Determinants of Health and Creating a Longitudinal Residency Curriculum

Click on the image above to watch the AAFP's interview with Dr. Beiter.

Pablo da Silva, M.D., M.P.H.

headshot of Pablo da Silva

Capstone Project: Pathway to Family Medicine for Underserved Students


Click on the image above to watch the AAFP's interview with Dr. da Silva.

Lillian Holloway, M.D. 

headshot of Lillian Holloway

Capstone Project: You Can’t Fight an Invisible Foe! Addressing Cultural and Identity Bias in Eating Disorder Treatment


Click on the image above to watch the AAFP's interview with Dr. Holloway.

Erin Kavanaugh, M.D., FAAFP

headshot of Erin Kavanaugh

Capstone Project: Impactful Alignment of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine/Family Medicine Physicians-in-Training Workforce with the Wilmington, Delaware Community

Click on the image above to watch the AAFP's interview with Dr. Kavanaugh.

About the Health Equity Fellowship

Through this program, fellows gain knowledge and experience in translating the concepts of health equity into clinical practice. Fellows learn from leading experts in the fields of medical education, research, public health, and health care policy. With the support of mentors and AAFP staff, they will complete a capstone project to demonstrate their achievement of the program’s learning objectives. 

Proposals for capstone projects should be innovative and contribute to the field of health equity. Capstone projects developed by past fellows have included development of a community health ambassador program, social needs screening in outpatient clinics, development of a weight bias curriculum, assessment of imposter syndrome among faculty underrepresented in medicine, development of a pathway program for minoritized students and implementation of an addiction medicine curriculum with an equity lens.

Fellowship Requirements

  • Fellows must make a 12-month commitment to participate in the fellowship from Jan. 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2023.
  • With approval from their institution, practice, or department chair, fellows are expected to dedicate approximately 10% of their time (~15-20 hours per month) to the fellowship.
  • Fellows must participate in monthly meetings and meet periodically with AAFP staff and mentors via conference calls/webinars and at in-person meetings.
  • In addition, fellows must attend several in-person meetings assigned to their track of the program:
  1. Virtual Fellowship Orientation: January 18, 2023 | Online
  2. Residency Leadership Summit: March 3-5, 2023 | Kansas City, MO (Only for Residency Program Directors and Associate Directors) 
  3. National Conference of Constituency Leaders: May 9-11, 2023 | Kansas City, MO
  4. Family Medicine Advocacy Summit or State Chapter Advocacy Day: May 22-23, 2023 | Washington, D.C.

Note: Travel and lodging expenses will be reimbursed up to $1,500 per meeting, per AAFP policy. No per diem or family travel expenses are allowed.

Past Health Equity Fellows 


Family physicians interested in learning more about the fellowship or application process can contact the Center for Diversity and Health Equity.

The Health Equity Fellowship is made possible through the financial support from the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation and the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors.