Website maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, and Sunday, January 19. Short disruptions will occur during these days.

  • The EveryONE Project

    Practice Leadership

    Advance Health Equity

    You need the right tools to create a culture in your practice that values health equity and team-based approaches to address social determinants of health (SDOH). An implementation guide ensures your patient care decisions are made with health equity in mind. You’ll also want a customized plan for addressing SDOH by clarifying the roles and responsibilities of your practice team.

    Define a Team-based Approach to Health Equity

    Identify small changes you and your practice team can make to integrate SDOH into your practice using these tools.


    Build a Culture of Health Equity

    Organizational culture includes the underlying beliefs, assumptions, and values held by your practice team. This culture can impact patient care. Use the resources below to create a stronger focus on health equity in your practice.  

    Learn About Patient Communities and How Social Factors Influence Health  

    • County Health Rankings: The annual reporting of County Health Rankings measures vital health factors in nearly every county in America to provide a snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work, and play.
    •  Health Landscape Population Health Profiler: Use this tool to create detailed maps by service area and key community measures like age, ethnicity, social deprivation, inequities, access to health care, and chronic health conditions.
    • NACCHO Health Department Directory: This directory provides contact information so you can learn about your local health department's community health assessment and community health improvement plan.


    Uncover Your Team's Potential Biases 

    Facilitate an in-service or lunch-and-learn session with your practice team to build a culture of health equity.