• Reduce Quality Measurement Burden

    The AAFP recognizes that simplifying quality measurement requires innovation and is working to help you change your practice environment. Below is an overview of quality measure burden, how this burden affects family physicians, and what innovations can provide relief right now.

    documentation burden

    Innovations to Change Your Practice Environment


    Adopt practical techniques that optimize current processes and workflows to improve the work environment.


    Choose an innovative technology that offers promise in reducing and even eliminating quality measurement burden.


    Learn about what the Academy is doing to transform the practice environment through advocacy and thought leadership.

    We are working to put innovation within your reach. Learn how we got here.

    What is the AAFP doing to help with quality measurement burden?

    The Academy advocates for the adoption of a single set of meaningful quality measures across all public and private payers. Beyond this critical step, payers must shift to more patient-centric, evidence-based measurements of outcome and away from disease-specific process measurement.