Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(4):9
To the Editor:
I received the February issue of Family Practice Management today and was so discouraged by the cover illustration that I chose to throw the issue away.
Someone must have a shallow view of God to think that he would be so indecisive in handing down his law through Moses — as if he gave us multiple choices. I hope you'll be more selective in the future.
Editor's note:
I'm sorry you found the illustration offensive. I assure you that it does not reflect a “shallow view of God,” nor was it intended to ascribe to him human decision-making skills. In fact, the illustration wasn't meant to depict the handing down of the Mosaic law in any literal sense. It was intended to evoke (and alter) that image to depict the confusion physicians feel when faced with competing “commandments” in the form of various clinical policies, each offered as the last word on how to deliver care. We hope you continue to find Family Practice Management useful despite your disappointment with this illustration.