Readers Speak Out on the Turtle vs. Rabbit Controversy
Robert D. Gillette
Family physicians from across the country have strongly held and differing views on the clash of practice styles. Is there a solution?
Robert D. Gillette
Family physicians from across the country have strongly held and differing views on the clash of practice styles. Is there a solution?
Emily Hill
Reviewing the fundamentals can strengthen your ICD-9 coding and streamline the reimbursement process.
James M. Giovino
The author's tool will help you keep in mind what qualifies a visit for a 99214 or a 99204.
Steve Thomason
Would administrative medicine be a good fit for you? Here are some issues you should think about as you consider the switch.
Rod Aymond
Knowing your collection rate and overhead percentage isn't enough anymore. Here are 10 questions you need to be able to answer.
Robert L. Edsall
Making Wise Medical Decisions. When I saw it on the shelf of the public library, I was understandably intrigued. It's a paperback book about three-quarters of an inch thick, and I figured it must represent a pretty powerful distillation of wisdom if it manages to encompass...
Perry A. Pugno
These are turbulent times. The system of health care in this country has experienced radical change with the advent of managed care and the involvement of Wall Street. It seems that the profit motive has supplanted the values of meeting the needs of individual patients,...
Kent J. Moore
Understanding Medicare's criteria for “reasonable and necessary” is one giant step toward getting paid for concurrent care.
Kent J. Moore
This is a corrected version of the article that appeared in print.
Physician groups call for universal coverage | Family physicians see small income gain | AMA delegates vote to create union | Physician report cards receive low grade | HHS expands ‘senior patrols,’ billing education | Y2K Update: More medical devices found to be noncompliant...
Gail L. Horning, Thomas J. Weida
Even in managed care, there are ways to simplify work, revive your employees' satisfaction and make patients happier as a result.
David C. Kibbe
I signed up for WebMD with a good deal of skepticism, became more and more enthusiastic as I began using it, and have ended up both delighted with it and puzzled about its ultimate value for family physicians.
Barbara J. Hensleigh, Michael J. Schoppmann, Barry S. Pillow
Handling an EEO complaint | Intoxicated patients | Group averages
Kent J. Moore
When you evaluate incentives in your compensation plan, it pays to know the big picture.
Pamela J. Vaccaro
If you're struggling to achieve life balance, procrastination could be what's keeping you from it.
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