Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(9):16
Examples of 99211
Administration of BCG vaccine
A second opinion
Care plan oversight
Routine venipuncture with office visit codes
Fetal non-stress test
Pre-op EKG
In the July/August 1999 installment of this department, I concurred with a reader's use of a −52 modifier with a preventive medicine visit code “when the visit is an abbreviated screening visit.” I have since learned that it is not appropriate, from a CPT perspective, to add a −52 modifier to a preventive medicine visit code. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Editor's note: While this department represents our best efforts to provide accurate information and useful advice, we can't guarantee that third-party payers will accept the coding and documentation recommended. For more detailed information, refer to the current CPT manual and the “Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services.”