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What Lies Ahead for Family Physicians?

What challenges and opportunities await in the next few years? Here's the answer, from 14 perspectives.

Practicing in the New Millennium: Do You Have What It Takes?

Marc L. Rivo

Tomorrow's family physicians need new knowledge and skills to help them be old-fashioned family doctors.

Building the Future of Health Care on the Foundations of Family Practice

William R. Phillips

Hold on to your heritage as a family physician. It may save the health care system, or at least save your patient from it.

The Emergence of Consumer-Driven Health Care

Norman E. Vinn

As patients shoulder a larger share of their own health care costs, they'll expect more from physicians — and reward those who meet their expectations.


Forget Y2K; Worry About 2001

Robert L. Edsall

At this point, the world seems to be divided into two camps: those who believe that 1,999 years are enough for two millennia and those who believe that we're not quite finished with the second millennium yet. If, like me, you find yourself in the second camp, there's good...


Listen to your body, mind and spirit

Bruce D. Greenberg

Naturally speaking

Charles E. Morris

The art of dictation

Maureen Lemek

Is it no wonder?

William M. Fuchs

Coding reference cards


CPT Changes for 2000

Kent J. Moore

Codes for emergency and critical care, lab panels and immunizations are noteworthy.


Coding and Documentation

Kent J. Moore

Workers' compensation visits | Same-day office visit and hospital admission | Sharing a global maternity care code | Blood gases interpretation | Hospital discharge and nursing home admission | Initial inpatient care not provided by the admitting physician



IOM calls for system-wide changes to prevent errors | Medicare finalizes 2000 fee schedule | New physicians frustrated by coding, managed care, journal deluge | Uncertainty continues as health systems seek workable models | Residents can unionize — and strike | Physician...


The Value of Brief, Targeted Smoking-Cessation Advice

George E. Kikano, Carlos R. Jaén, Robin S. Gotler, Kurt C. Stange

Even one minute of counseling can inspire your patients to give up smoking.


Practice Diary

Sanford J. Brown

House calls | Y2K and dinosaurs | Business 101


Two Excellent Sources for Alzheimer's Information

David C. Kibbe

While designing a Web site for a community-based program for the frail elderly, I recently had the opportunity to review dozens of Web sites aimed at the needs of seniors and their family members. Two of the best sites I found are www.alz.org and www.alzheimers.com.

Expect More From the Internet

David C. Kibbe

Emerging Internet technologies will enable family physicians to benefit from less complicated, less expensive software applications.



Stanley E. Burgin, Kenneth Bowden, Tom McGuinness

Rewarding a physician executive | Compensation for collecting capitation payments | Nonprofit family practice?


Negotiation Gambits

James M. Giovino

Successful negotiation often depends on recognizing the games people play and determining how you will react to them.


Running on Empty

Jennifer Bush

Many people don't realize how out of kilter their lives have become until a crisis hits. That's what happened to this young physician.


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