Toward Sensitive Treatment of Obese Patients
Syed M. Ahmed, Jeanne Parr Lemkau, Sandra Lee Birt
Compassionate care will help them even if they never lose a pound.
Syed M. Ahmed, Jeanne Parr Lemkau, Sandra Lee Birt
Compassionate care will help them even if they never lose a pound.
James M. Giovino
Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive, complicated or unethical. To begin, simply treat your current patients right.
M. Kyu Chung
These scheduling tips can help you smooth out the peaks and valleys in your patient flow and increase your bottom line.
Robert L. Edsall
When the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System,1 the horrifying estimates of morbidity and mortality caused by medical errors made headlines for months. When the follow-up report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System...
Kent J. Moore
You should be aware of changes in E/M, integumentary, musculoskeletal and lab codes.
Kent J. Moore
Preventive care & the E/M guidelines | Review of blood-gas analysis | Draining a hematoma
Medicare physician payments face significant cuts | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | Studies document impact of direct-to-consumer ads, rising drug spending | PHYSICIANS AND COMPUTERS | No impact from gatekeeping | The costs of doing...
Robin S. Gotler, Robert L. Williams, Susan A. Flocke, George E. Kikano, Kurt C. Stange
The way to eliminate disparities may be to improve access to family physicians.
Jennifer Bush
This list of criteria for evaluating EMR systems has been developed for family physicians by family physicians.
Barbara Pross, James Bare, Kent J. Moore
Transcription in the hospital | Free or discounted medications | Reimbursement for frequent home visits
Pamela J. Vaccaro
If your goals have never moved you to action, the problem may be your goals, not you.
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