Why It’s Time to Purchase an Electronic Health Record System
Kenneth G. Adler
The old reasons for holding off may have lost their validity.
Kenneth G. Adler
The old reasons for holding off may have lost their validity.
Daniel M. Bernick
The right contract can help you reduce your workload and ease into retirement on your terms.
C. Carolyn Thiedke
Good wages and pleasant working conditions are important, but true motivation stems from something deeper.
Roger Shenkel, Cathy Gardner
The most effective strategies won’t cost you a dime.
David R. Dearden, Michael R. Burke
Here’s how to make sure your expensive policy doesn’t contain any unpleasant surprises.
Robert L. Edsall
FPM’s peer reviewers will soon have something more than satisfaction to show for their efforts.
Thomas L. Horton
Statistics can be skewed, as shown in this satirical study of the risks surrounding premature aging and death.
Kent J. Moore
A guide to unearthing answers at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Web site.
Kent J. Moore
A limit to 99214? | When someone else discharges your hospitalized patient | Coding a flu shot | Coding for a delivery by the resident | Same-day E/M & circumcision | Coding assessment and CPR | Observation to inpatient status | Coding for sports event coverage | ICD-9...
AAFP Congress moves to create political action committee, approves other resolutions | Administrative tasks cost practices thousands | What patients want | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | Medicare changes for 2005 | Withholding pay for medical errors | R<sub>x</sub>...
Mark H. Ebell
Clinical decision rules make it easy to give patients more precise estimates of their risks of complications.
Keith Borglum, Debra Phairas, Kent J. Moore
Starting a practice in a health professional shortage area | Dictation reminders | Medicare teaching rules
Pamela J. Vaccaro
Providing simple updates can relieve worried patients, calm stressed-out colleagues and give you peace of mind.
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