Terminating a Patient: Is It Time to Part Ways?
Deanna R. Willis, Ann Zerr
A standardized approach will help you determine whether your relationship is broken and what to do about it.
Deanna R. Willis, Ann Zerr
A standardized approach will help you determine whether your relationship is broken and what to do about it.
Melvin J. Knight
You can use your word processing program to create notes almost instantly – even if you’re not a great typist.
Cindy Hughes
You’ve got until Oct. 1 to weed out incorrect codes.
Peter R. Jensen
Before choosing 99213 for routine visits, consider whether your work qualifies for a 99214.
Leigh Ann Backer
FPM staff recently embarked on a re-visioning –- a comprehensive analysis of the journal designed to produce changes that keep the content and design fresh and relevant. This issue is the culmination of that effort.
Douglas Iliff
The Future of Family Medicine reports left some key questions unanswered.
Cindy Hughes
Hypertension management | Coding a B<sub>12</sub> injection | Biofeedback training | House visits to hospice patients | Billing for initial hospital care | Coding a newborn office visit
Bill would prevent pay cuts, launch pay for performance | New law aims to shift culture from blame to prevention | Who are the uninsured? | Drug companies agree to new guidelines on consumer advertising | Web site offers facts about Medicare's new drug benefit | Connecticut...
Alice Gosfield, Alice G. Gosfield
Streamline patient registration | Ensure optimal care for obese patients | Can Medicare be charged more than other payers? | Enhance team performance
Scott E. Moser, John Dorsch
This doll tells people exactly what they want to hear.
All editors and editorial advisory board members in a position to control content for this activity, FPM journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.
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