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    EHR Meltdown: How to Protect Your Patient Data

    T. Eric Schackow, Todd Palmer, Ted Epperly

    Do you think your electronic data is safe just because you have a backup plan in place? These authors found out how wrong that can be.

    How to Say Goodbye to Medicare

    Kent J. Moore

    With another payment cut looming, opting out of Medicare may be worth considering.

    How to See Your Practice Through Your Patients' Eyes

    Elizabeth E. Stewart, Marly McMillen

    It's as simple as entering through the front door and taking a walk around your practice.

    How to Find Clinical Information Quickly at the Point of Care

    Derek R. Hubbard

    You have one minute to identify the first-line therapy for a pregnant patient with tuberculosis. How will you find the answer?

    How to Fix a Flawed Process: The Four Rules of Work Design

    Lee Kim Erickson, Tania Lyon

    Developed by Toyota but applicable to medical practice, these rules can transform the way you work.


    The ‘Know-How’ Special Issue

    Robert Edsall

    You expect practical advice from FPM – but this much?


    A Multiple-Service Rule for E/M Services

    Nancy E.B. Ness

    A simple rule change could improve access and quality of care while reducing inequities between compensation for E/M services and for procedures.


    Patient communication and health literacy

    Tracking follow-up care

    Michael S. Victoroff


    Coding & Documentation

    Cindy Hughes

    Diagnosis code order | When a review of systems isn't possible | New patient definition | Critical care and site of service


    Practice Pearls

    Rich Sagall, Brett Robinson, Gail Jones AAFP, Christopher Campanile, Michael Fine, R.I. Pawtucket

    Test your telephone service | Print Medicaid prescriptions on low-cost paper | Completing FMLA paperwork for patients’ family members | Use software to track chronic disease follow-up


    How to Deliver Bad News

    Sanford J. Brown

    When a patient gets a “double whammy,” deliver the bad news the way you would like to hear it.


    All editors and editorial advisory board members in a position to control content for this activity, FPM journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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