The HIPAA Security Rule: Are You in Compliance?
Daniel F. Shay
Taking steps to protect your patient information and prepare for a possible breach can avoid costly audit violations.
Daniel F. Shay
Taking steps to protect your patient information and prepare for a possible breach can avoid costly audit violations.
Daniel Bluestein, Ryan Diduk-Smith, Laura Jordan, Kelsie Persaud, Travonia Hughes
Patients are more likely to schedule a wellness visit if their physician recommends it, but that won't happen without staff support.
Victoria S. Kaprielian, Joel A. Kase, Tammy Higgins
If your workload is no longer sustainable, it may be time to consider adding a certified physician assistant or nurse practitioner to your practice.
David Rebedew
These mobile apps can help physicians and patients with treatment recommendations, treatment adherence, and smoking cessation.
These practical strategies can help family physicians support patients with depression, anxiety, and other behavioral health issues.
Kenneth G. Adler
Maybe it is time to change the way I do things – yet again.
Cindy Hughes
New and improved rules for chronic care management | Dietitian “incident-to” billing | Electronic health record problem lists
Michael S. Niziol, Barbara L. Hays
Shop around for malpractice insurance | Use a scoreboard to help your team accomplish its goals | <fn><p><b>Q&A</b></p></fn>Physician orders and transitional care management
Philip Kaplan
Our collective advocacy can instill hope and prevent burnout.
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